The FISA Release Truth by Andrew McCarthy

Run out of a town on a rail! Or vote for him to be re-elected! One of those two defintiely though.

I’m genuinely laughing.

lol - You two are hopping in bed with a birther on this!? :rofl:

Oh thank you for making my day guys.

You’ve been trying to pretend this isn’t a thing the whole time.

Let’s take, per example, the Cambridge Analytica thing. Your response: something about British people and Facebook right? Didn’t seem important.

Then it’s off to detail Comey and Mueller’s basically nonexistent friendship.

No dossier, no warrant.

Amazing. It’s worse than I thought.

You think you’re going to impeach Trump with a half-assed footnote?

Between reading all info over the last year it seems like allegations came from Steels…and FBI back it up with old dates that Page has gone to Russia.

Meanwhile no proof or evidence of Page was in cohorts with the Russians.

Exactly right.

The investigation started over George D blabbing his foreknowledge about hackedmemailsmto be released.

The terrible part of all this is when it goes like liberals say it will, again, and a crank like McCarthy face plants, again, it won’t be “these guys seem to know something about this. Perhaps I will improve my media diet”.

Nope, it s “Ooga BOOGA DEEP STATE!”

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Here’s the (transcribed by me) application footnote, following the first mention of “Source #1”:

“First, according to information provided by an FBI confidential human source (Source#1)[footnote follows] . . .

Source #1 [redacted] and has been an FBI source since [redacted]. Source #1’s reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings and the FBI assesses Source #1 to be reliable. Source #1 has been compensated [redacted] by the FBI and the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1.

Source #1, who now owns a foreign business/financial intelligence firm, was approached by an identified U.S. Person, who indicated to Source #1 that a U.S.-based law firm had hired the identified U.S. Person to conduct research regarding Candidate #1’s ties to Russia (the identified U.S. Person and Source #1 have a long-standing business relationship). The identified U.S. Person hired Source #1 to conduct this research. The identified U.S. Person never advised Source #1 as to the motivation behind the research into Candidate #1’s ties to Russia. The FBI speculates that the identified U.S. Person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s campaign.

Source #1 tasked his sub-source(s) to collect the requisite information . . .

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No it didn’t.

No evidence of a crime, no nothing except allegations and was in Russia doing business.

If that’s the case their must be thousands of FISA warrants issued against everyone that has done business with the Russians.

Haven’t you had enough bad media diet face plants for today, Mr Two Tired Justice via Tucker Carlson?

Again, read the application. At least browse the first 17 pages.

It’s all spelled out there. All of Andrew McCarthy’s goofy insinuations are answered.

Oh no, not a birther conspiracist because thinking the President and the Republican party are Russian agents is much more down to earth than thinking Obama was born in Kenya. Uh huh.

No offense Peter but I really don’t give flying ■■■■ what you think or say?

Go go back calling everyone a racist.

Sure thing, now show the corroboration.

Read it yourself.

I’m responding to your claim that the application was “fraudulent”. Don’t try to move to goal posts.

Nice dance by the way.

Not, the information by the source in this instance has been corroborated. Please.

It’s really amazing how the Trumpiblicans manage to take this warrant which completely discredits every single thing they’ve been pushing and somehow claim vindication out of it. Facts don’t actually matter to the Trump crew, any more than the ocean matters to a desert mouse.