The First Omen (2024 Movie)

I saw the horror film and The Omen prequel The First Omen Saturday, and I loved it!

I loved the 70s-inspried settings & cinematography as well as the performances.

It was chilling & have some good jump scares.

I can’t wait to see it again! It’s a great addition to The Omen franchise.

I definitely recommend everyone to see it.

I give it a grade of an B+.


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The original Omen was a scary masterpiece. I hope this is a good one. The reviews are mixed, but I hope It’s good.

it does not measure up to the first Omen. I found it okay, but a bit uninspired

I want to see a remake of Omen III with the Antichrist asserting himself on the world stage and leading us into the apocalypse and creating hell on earth. Tired of hollywood happy endings. I love dark nihilistic endings in my horror.

I enjoyed the Left Behind books in the early noughties but there was not enough of Nikolai Carpathia in them.