I would suppose (pretty certain) that the structure of their economy is different than that of ours. I’ve said this before, if we can infinitely deficit spend then clearly money is not and never will be an issue. Personally, I’m not in that camp (and would assume you as well) and see that a limiting factor as pointed out here:
Personally, I always get sick to my stomach this time of year seeing all the hoopla and exuberance (and money) that centers around two rather relatively average and flawed human beings. What the ■■■■ is so special about any of these politicians (or non-politicians)? Can any of them walk on water, raise the dead, guarantee us eternal life in paradise? Please tell me what are the new and intellectually profound ideas that anyone of them is bringing to this election cycle? The problems that we have…
In other words, the wealth to population ratio, may be more complicated in implementing such types of programs here. Not sure if I’m articulating this the best?