The Fall & Alien Life

So let’s say there is alien life very similar to humans. I believe a lot of Christians believe that aliens are possible and that we are not alone. Assuming God created humans on different planets…well, first can we assume this? If so, we can ask whether or not there were other “Adam and Eves” that both did not cause their race to be cast to eternal sin, and some that did what we did. In this sense, I wonder, is it possible to visit/contact a planet that still has an “in tact” garden of Eden? Or would our visitation “leak” sin into their world?

ask the Sumerians…They kind of combine Adam and eve and Noah a thousand of years earlier in ziusudra and his wife

Sounds like C.S. Lewis’ sci fi trilogy.

It’s an interesting thought. I think that really the answer is where you are right now? Do you live in “the world” desiring it’s tangible things or do you live in His Garden, content and seeking Him? David said it in Psalm 23, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. We each have our opportunity in life to create our own garden and it’s up to us to keep sin at bay through loving The Lord with all your heart, each other as ourselves and unceasing prayer.