The European Left Thought They Was Clever

They imported millions of 'mist’s to cause enough chaos to overwhelm their countries and destroy traditional culture, and weaken them so they could impose some kind of Marxist utopia.

The Marxists don’t seem to understand what will happen is the 'mist’s will rule them too. They do wherever they go. They will in the US too.

You can say whatever you want, cry phobic, whatever you like, that’s the truth and it’s happening in Europe now. In fact, there’s very little time left for the UK.


Some cultures just aren’t compatible with humanity, and that’s a scientific fact.



They won’t get their utopia, they will get burka babes…

Genesis 16:12


So… By that logic, we shouldn’t cozy up to Israel either.

Ah. Labor in power grooming epidemic is news again.

What’s that mean?

You are joking, right? Come on man!

Huh?? :thinking:

Exactly that. Labour is in power in the uk for the first tine in quite some time and now grooming gangs are a thing again in your news sources.

You said something positive about Christianity. The knee-jerks are a guarantee.

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If a prophecy specific to one person is used to judge his descendants, what about God’s judgment on Israel for being the same way?

Or are we back to the mark of Cain cherry-picking of verses?

The gang rapes in the UK are horrifying… The left does not care. They just want power.


Germany is de-industrializing because of green policy.


Truly I do not understand that level of evil tolerated…

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