The Democrats answer to all the Problems we are all having Right Now? "We Can't Fix Anything!"

Remember when Trump said he was going to make all his rich friends mad at him, for raising their taxes…then he lowered their taxes?

I do.


Tax breaks.

Like a child credit tax break?

You know what is relevant to people that can’t find a job? The unemployment rate. Are you aware of how far the unemployment rate dropped while Obama was President?

He lowered your taxes.

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That is one I like.

Nope…I am in CA…I now pay more in taxes, due to the removal of certain deductions, and capping others.

And I do not care if you believe me or not.

Remember how dynamic scoring was used to justify that tax cut, and how that was cool? I do.

The Dems are talking about dynamic scoring for this upcoming reconciliation bill. Mark my words: dynamic scoring will once again become an evil plot.

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Yes he did.

They would vote republican for President, but you couldn’t get elected to dog catcher if you wasn’t a democrat. I live on the W.Va. border. My sister lives there.

No, the Democrats made it worse with their mandates & other policies.


I’m aware MANY millions of unemployed went unreported in the unemployment stats. I’m aware the huge increases in payouts for the newly poor back then as well.

You think millions of unemployed went unreported in 2016? It seems you will construct whatever narrative you need to maintain your “Dems bad, Republicans awesome”. :rofl:

I’m guessing those invisible unemployed totally disappeared under Trump and we could again trust the unemployment rate. That’s the ticket! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I don’t think it. I know it. This was extensively debated here during the Obama years. Have no motivation to prove it to you now just to help you deflect with your straw man.

Math is hard.

if I pay more in taxes…my taxes went up.

You have proof other than your feelings. And magically, in 2017, the UE numbers became believable for you again. It’s so transparent.

those two income households have only become one income households because of free money. once again, paying people to not work.


Yea it was extensively debated about how made up it was.

I m not rich… my taxes went down…

Under Biden everything I use and need costs more starting with $3 + a gallon gas.

I make under 400,000 a year and I m facing the equivalent of a new tax despite Biden’s lie to the contrary…if he gets his stupid multi trillion dollar spending bill thru that will cause more inflation and at some point my taxes will go up to pay for it despite his “this bill will cost zero dollars” idiotic lie.


You got a cut.