When they are in such severe pain they can’t even go to work.
Agreed. However you might want to look at the ability of the average American to save money. Versus say credit card debt.
Exactly, because of lost wages.
I agree 100%. Insurance companies are taking this seriously, for example one major health insurance company has completely revamped their Explanation of Benefits (you recieve this after you have a claim processed) so that it clearly tells you your financial responsiblity but also indicates how you could have saved money on this claim by using another provider such as an urgent care center or walk in clinic. It also gives you an approximate cost saving and a listing of near by clinics personalized for you.
But you are right education is key. Part of my job is visiting employers to educate employees on how to best utilize their health insurance.
Yes they retired or got retired. Either one is fine with me.
When they are sick enough they feel they need to.
They did straight up lie to their constituents. I believe their lies is what cost them the house this year. They had two years to repeal it, and they didnt after promising they would. I think they would have been better off repealing it. The folks that would have been hurt by the repeal would never have vote GOP anyways.
And when do they go?
There are two UCCs in my area, one of either side of town. You can walk in an be seen in less than an hour. Everything from cuts requiring stitches, minor broken bones, burns, stomach pain, and several other things. But nope, Johnny 8 year old vomitted this morning, better run off and use the circle drive in front of the ER.
Huh? Individual mandate.
On Saturday if they are lucky, but usually during working hours.
They did straight up lie to their constituents. I believe their lies is what cost them the house this year. They had two years to repeal it, and they didnt after promising they would. I think they would have been better off repealing it. The folks that would have been hurt by the repeal would never have vote GOP anyways.
I liked how there was a specific poster on this board when everytime this was brought up, it was a deflection of … well where was the democrats ideas? Why didn’t they help out? He apparently thought that excuse was going to work.
No, not to the ER. They go at night.
I don’t dispute better education is in order. Just like everything else we do, it’s far too complicated. Bureaucracy.
Real reduction in health care costs will only come from a) consumers doing their part in researching cost and quality when making healthcare decisions
For the most part they are unable to. Try to call a hospital and get a estimate for a hip replacement. Nobody really knows the cost except the billing department and they try their best to hide it.
To me the best thing they could have done with the ACA is to make providers post their costs and not allow different pricing for insurers. There is no way that a guy with insurance should be able to go to an emergency room and walk out with a bill of 600 dollars to his insurance company, but a worker with out insurance, for the exact same tests, gets a 6,000 bill.
I believe that is the reason for the medical bankruptcies. The hospitals really stick it to people without insurance if they think they have a chance of collecting anything.
Huh? Individual mandate.
Maybe you didn’t realize it, but not one citizen actually had to pay the ACA tax in any of the years since the ACA was implemented. 8 years now and I haven’t paid it one time while not carrying qualifying insurance. See what the uninformed didn’t know, which I’m not surprised was that there was no legal mechanism in the ACA for the government to enforce the tax or come after you as a citizen to get it. At worst they could have withheld any tax refund to enforce it, but then again if you actually manage your withholdings at work correctly you would have neither a refund or owed at the end of the year.
And even then nearly every middle class citizen qualified for one of the many exemptions to the tax every single year, they just didn’t take the time to find out how.
In either case getting rid of the mandate did absolutely nothing to reduce the cost of insurance.
One good thing as come of all this - I hear a lot of anecdotal evidence of price negotiating.
If the Democrat Party
If one cannot get the name of a political party correct, then nothing one can say can be taken seriously.
If one cannot get the name of a political party correct, then nothing on can say can be taken seriously.
Tryanny! Fifth Column!!
Trump was more than willing to sign anything on the subject. The republicans couldnt pull it off. What they should have done was not tackle it in one massive bill. Have several bills that each attempts to resolve one issue. A single page bill could have been written that all people with pre-existing conditions will pay 5% of their annual income per year to medicare and be placed on medicare for their medical needs. Who in their right mind would have been able to oppose that?