The decline of the middle class and the causes of it

Have you ever read one?

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You really don’t know how this works, do you? Negative to whom?

Again, is Bangladdesh required to purchase the same amount of goods from the U.S. as we purchase from them?

My mother used to say it isn’t the high cost of living but rather the cost of high living.

Probably a combination of both in a lot of places now.

An exception would be california where the cost of living is insane regardless.

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Treaties like Nafta, Gatt, Cafta, etc had a lot to do with it.

The US…I can tolerate it in the other direction. :sunglasses:

This constant cutting of taxes privitization and promotion of consumerism has led to your massive trade deficit and declining middle class.

Treaties like Nafta hurt unions more than anything. If the union gives the company any problem it’s off to mexico or else where.

Did it work?

It might be more interesting to invert the question. Probably for another thread. To wit: a broad, thriving middle class may be the exception rather than the norm, at least historically (and to a certain extent prehistorically). I have a feeling why that might be. If I had it at hand, I’d consult the great twentieth century anthropologist, Marvin Harris, who’s 1977 book Cannibals and Kings dwells on the subject. Too bad it’s at the office.

NJ hasn’t been cutting any taxes😂

Reminds me, I was watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee on Netflix last night, Seinfield and I think it was Chris Rock drive over to Jersey, Rock says, now we’re in the state where they pump your gas, no self service, Seinfield says, I wonder why, Rock says probably Chris Christie. Being from that area, I grew up in Delaware, I happen to know self-service was banned in Jersey in 1949.

Avoiding this topic altogether should be preferable to embarrassment, but alas.


I looked, but did not find any credible evidence of your assertion.

Why do unions work so well in so many other countries, but not here?
Germany is the manufacturing powerhouse in Europe, and unions are very strong.

Wait…you trust Think Progress now?

The unions that seemed to be open to illegal immigrants, were in the service industry.
Those jobs do not get shipped over seas.
Americans, in general, do not want those jobs.

Psst there is no such things as jobs Americans do not want, only jobs that don’t pay enough to make them want them. If we imported doctors from overseas and paid them a pittance, Americans would no longer want to be doctors either. If being a maid in a hotel paid a million dollars a year, would any Americans want that job?

*note the sum of a million dollars was used for illustrative purposes to get you to admit a pay level obviously exists where Americans would find the job worth taking.

Pssst. We are.

Psssst don’t let Big Al hear you. He thinks NJ well nigh perfect. :wink:

We are importing them yes, but it hasn’t reached the level of paying American doctors a pittance quite yet. Or to be more accurate, it has just about reached that level for general practitioners which is why there is a shortage that will get worse.