The decline of the middle class and the causes of it

I’m still driving my 1986 Chevy Silverado that I bought new over 32 years ago.

Been to the moon and back and now coming up to the moon again.

Not sure she will make it back thou. :wink:

Yep…it seems to be going the way of the Land Cruiser.

The decline of unions has been a huge factor in the decline of the middle class. When regular people were making more money, the economy and the country as a whole were doing much better. Not so now when you have the wealth concentrated at the top 1 percent.

Find a source other than Wikipedia, zanny. Wiki can be edited by anyone. It’s not credible.

My kids’ nanny drove a more expensive car than me… :slight_smile:

But questionable automotive decisions aside, that woman brought me leftover home cooked Ghanaian meals that were unbelievable and didn’t totally screw up the kids…

When the jobs were sent to Mexico and over seas…the need for unions declined. The basis used to justify shipping those jobs out of the country was the cost of labor. The cost of labor was exacerbated by the unions and here “we” go…round and round…and which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Unions also took huge hits in membership numbers from new negotiated contracts. They had less stability as time went on because management negotiated exclusions to membership and basically tried to negotiate them out of existence. And in many ways, they were successful.

See those little numbers at the end of the paragraphs? They are called citations. If you follow them you can find the original sources. Why, do you want to claim unions are anti-immigration?

Is this more to your liking?

Organizing migrant workers does not harm workers. For instance most North Americans do not typically want to do farm labor but that does not mean those workers should not make reasonable wages and not be victimized by unscrupulous employers.

I wonder if that happens, then when illegal immigrants outside of the union will work for less, what will then happen? Will this be a case where “illegal” should be enforced?

If they are illegally working they gave up their right to be represented.

Government did trade deals to benefit companies. Trade deals that would have been about real competition.

Trump doesn’t really want better money for working people. For example in the ongoing NAFTA talks Canada wanted US workers to make better wages to cut down on jobs being moved into Red states with low. The US said no.

Simple solution just call in and report it.

I will go with that when it becomes illegal to own businesses or strict punishment for hiring people illegally.

all these union manufacturing jobs…

manufacturers have gone to places with lower taxes and no unions…

it must be the republicans fault…

Ahhhhhhhhhh…those gracious Canadians. Will they donate a portion of their salary?

What if it’s a sanctuary farm?

Wages would have still been have of what Canadian autoworkers make.

But it would have been about real competition.

Really? What I heard you say is that when it is about actual competition, the red states were winning so that you were promoting government intervention?

And you wonder why folks don’t think it is worth time talking to people such as yourself about complex matters.