The current state of COVID nationally

Do you not remember the mandatory quarantines for crossing state lines?

They’ll do this no problem.


Can’t be much clearer. Maybe deaths aren’t as prevalent as before. But the stress on the system is. Kids who weren’t getting sick now are…and all the adults are running around saying “it’s all fine…everything’s ok”.

Last year it was less than 1 percent of all cases were kids. And people are fine with 12%

That clearer for ya?

TFG considered nuking hurricanes. Just saying…

Curious what is the total number of kids getting sick this year and last. Percentage is not a good barometer because 70% of adults are vaccinated, so of course the kids total percentage will go up if adults are less susceptible now do to the vaccine.


The number in new cases in Florida appears to have peaked.

I expect outbreaks among the vaccinated in the Northeast once the weather turns colder.

The only group who is unlikely to see many cases are the Amish, who probably already reached herd immunity before the vaccines became widely available.


that has nothing to do with this

Sure it does. Just because an idea was floated, doesn’t give it credibility.

whacky ideas floated by other politicians about unrelated things doesnt mean this wasnt seriously considered.

Thanks for making my case. :boom:

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that doesnt make your case lol


Both sides float ridiculous ■■■■■ Why make a case about it until it becomes policy? Unless the goal is to score cheap political points.

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all that matters is that they considered it.

whether other unrelated things were “floated” or not does not matter

what a lousy argument

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It’s the same freaking argument. Stupid is stupid until it becomes policy. Neither are so your outrage is fake.

I am sure there are medical doctors on here that can speak to the impact on adults and kids of long COVID.

No goal… not clear.

We will have to live with a baseline of cases.

The chicken Little response is unacceptable.

I am sure we will have another surge due to lack of vaxxed citizens.


Well, out of 140,000,605 futures, only one results in success. May the odds be ever in your favor. Now, there’s a whole bunch of ways to cook shrimp.

So more transmissible, less lethal. Like viruses do.

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The goal has moved from flatten the curve to zero Covid. But Covid is here to stay. And we admit that, but we gotta get those cases down to zero with a vaccine that doesn’t stop you from getting and transmitting it. Are we clear?