The Constitution Is The Crisis

I don’t have time for a wild goose chase… just tell me what your issue is with her.

Or what?

What better system is there than capitalism? What system has brought more people out of poverty and solved more problems than capitalism?

Or I’ll just assume you were ■■■■■■■■■■■■ me, you won’t care, and we’ll go on our merry ways. I’m not really sure why you would provide an answer to my question but then not back in up. Seems like a waste of time and a lousy way to converse.

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I think you’re confused.

And yet in another thread we are told that those who supported their States, like Robert E Lee, were not just on the wrong side but they were traitors.

And yet the same people are not over here calling this treason:

“That said, the American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday —either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution.”

What was Lee supposed to be a traitor to, if not the Constitution?


[quote=“fallenturtle, post:46, topic:237631”]

I think you’re panicking because you can’t find a way dodge the question so you attack me. Try again.

What better system is there than capitalism? What system has brought more people out of poverty and solved more problems than capitalism?

I’m not trying to attack you. I’m pointing out that you are mixing two different categories of things. I understand it can be confusing since the political system in place often effects the economic system and its pretty hard to have free-market capitalism under an authoritarian or totalitarian government. But capitalism as a general concept can exist under many different political systems and is not an alternative to them.

What better system is there than capitalism? What system has brought more people out of poverty and solved more problems than capitalism?

Capitalism has done many great things in regards to economic growth and innovation, but unregulated it has a tendency to make a small group of people rich and a large group of people impoverished. I prefer a mixed system where most industries are private and profit-driven, but regulated in such a way where the consumer is protected and they can’t wreck the economy and where things like utilities and the basic necessities of life are non-profit and public funded.

So the only way to create a new constitution is through violence and/or secession? I must have missed the part where the authors of the Atlantic or New Republic articles were advocating insurrection.

A rising or rebellion of citizens against their government, usually manifested by acts of violence.

“Usually”, not always.

There are things I’d like to see changed in the Constitution, but I think the idea of just throwing the current one out and creating a new one is too dangerous. There’s a reason we are the oldest democracy and a large part of that can be chalked up to our Constitution.


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It’s both.

What are the legal ways in which the Constitution can be dissolved?
If the current Constitution were dissolved somehow legally, what about the states and their people who did not want to be part of the new Constitution?

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Only until we have another war on US soil.

The more regulation we have the greater that concentration of wealth.

We’ve been listening to folks on your side scream about the fact a handful of families control over half the total wealth in the US for more than a decade and that it continues to be a growing issue yet we have more regulations and laws in place than were ever conceived of just forty years ago.

Might want to reexamine that theory.

The Confederate states attempted to leave peaceably, it was the Union that forced a war.

Without regulations it would be worse and not all regulations are designed to address wealth inequality.

So the facts contradict your statement and your answer is to then claim " it would be worse without it".

Not surprising.

The more wealth becomes concentrated in those few hands the more political power they have and the regulations then get written to favor them.

Did you provide facts that prove that there would be less wealth inequality if there weren’t any regulations?

I never claimed all regulations are good. Corruption is bad.