The chickens come home to roost - CNN headquarters attacked by violent leftist mob

Apparently anything short of summary executions on the spot at the scene of the crime now justifies arson, riots, looting, and pillaging.

This isn’t about police murdering someone, that’s just an excuse for whats been happening the last few days.


Protesting? The minute they destroy personal property they are criminals.

When a black officer in Minnesota shot and killed an innocent white woman…silence by those rioting now. The only difference between the two incidents is the color of skin. Those claiming racism are actually the real racists.


that’s not the only difference.

Was their a murder of a white jogger in a black neihgborhood just a few days prior? Was their black cops killing white americans for selling cigs? Was there dozens and dozens of incidents over the last few years of black americans unjustly killed by police officers on duty.
(and if I remember correctly, your example was an off duty cop, wasn’t it?)

Did three other cops watch the murder and do nothing?

True. Can you name another 6% of the population that commits over 50% of the crimes?

I agree. That was very, very wrong and I hope they to are prosecuted for being culpable?

Don’t commit all the crimes. Don’t get knees in the back of your neck until you die. It’s that simple.

Anybody that does not condemn this violent, anarchistic response is a part of the problem and not the solution…period.

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Burn. It. Down.

Not where I live. :sunglasses:

You’re making things up to buttress a failed strawman argument.

What did I make up?

Was their a murder of a white jogger in a black neihgborhood just a few days prior? Was their black cops killing white americans for selling cigs?

Both are fabrications.


Oh me oh my.

Fabrications…of course they are.

Admitting it is the first step, congrats.

Those aren’t fabrications.

Of course they are.

The first was not “killed for selling cigarettes” and the 2nd wasn’t some innocent jogger nor did it happen a few days ago.


got it.

oh boy.