The Bureaucracy-Who Are The Deciders

There’s been a lot of talk about who really decides; the shapers of policy. There is a myth we’ve been given to believe to placate us. To make us believe we participate in our governance. That we elect The Deciders. On paper, it is easy to believe, afterall, the buck stops…

But it’s not true.

Elected officials, often idiots popular for charisma or looks or race or some other irrelevant trait, are completely dependent on bureaucrats. Elected officials are not Subject Matter Experts in anything except getting reelected and they do not make informed decisions on any criteria other than how it affects their chances of getting reelected.

The bureaucrats are The Deciders. They are the people who decide what and how much information elected officials receive. More importantly in the context it is given. And the timing. And how it will play in the polls. How it will “impact the campaign.”

And all bureaucrats have an agenda. And no bureaucrat will abide challenges to their own power. Invasipns of their fiefdoms. Bureaucrats will create temporary alliances to teach lessons to any “temp” who dares cross them. “That is simply not the way things are done in the capitol.”

An elected official who stays long enough that their reelection is assured quickly shifts into a bureaucrat ally. An outsider within (Brandon, McCain). Don’t rock the boat.

They control media access, the media relies on them. So do lobbyists, who come from their ranks.

Does anybody really believe the Sheila Jackson Crazy or Majorie Taylor Nutjob is actually making informed decisions?

And the Senate, but especially the Executive are even worse. Strzok is the epitome of a bureacrat. He was running the FBI for all real and important purposes.

Bureaucrats know where the line that shall not be crossed is. They cross it, but they backstop it well, usually.

This may be nothing. Or it may be another chink in tge armor.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to run a government of any size without them; they are a necessary evil. Just don’t believe the lies.


Politicians are nothing but paid actors.

Reagan never changed industries when he went from film to network news.



coNViCtEd FelONs too! :rofl:


34 times!


I wonder what the WWII vets think about the NATO now.

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Anyone who believes this government today is “of the people, for the people, and by the people” is living in ignorance. We have long left that idea.


Our government has become it’s own living life form.


It is a government of bureaucrats, for themselves, the politically connected and their elite buddies, and by the lobbyists who buy the politicians.

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It is pretty much controlled by oligarchs and corporations. When $ = speech…this is what we get.

I basically concur…there are a handful of good people in government, both on the political side and the beaucrat side…but most are heavily influenced by the folks you mention.

Money has always equaled speech. You just want it back in the shadows again.


and should be. a layman politician or an expert.

give me the expert everytime and twice on sunday.


It was a lie when it was initially stated.

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So Nixon didn’t do what he did it was all the Deep State’s fault.

Good Lord.


Are you saying it was always legal for corps and wealthy to give as much money as they wanted to Pols? Look at our history…there have been many laws limiting how much can be donated, and also laws requiring transparency on who was donating.

Funny you mention “back in the shadows”, there is more dark money in politics today, then ever before., as now they can legally hide it.

For those that complain about DC corruption…there does not seem to be much support by cons/pubs to do anything about it. Probably due to the multiple RW billionaires that fund so many campaigns and causes. Pubs have far more wealthy donors than dems.

I haven’t seen it yet. It comes out Aug 8. Today is Jun 29th.

Jun 29th is before Aug 8.

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Your one trick.

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You should have read your own link.

Watergate Secrets and Betrayals: Orchestrating Nixon’s Demise’ will be available Aug. 8