THE BIG ONE? California on Edge After 69 Quakes Rock ‘Ring of Fire’

Originally published at: THE BIG ONE? California on Edge After 69 Quakes Rock ‘Ring of Fire’ | Sean Hannity

California residents and government officials are preparing for a potentially major geological event after roughly 70 earthquakes struck the Pacific’s “ring of fire” in just 48 hours.

According to Fox News, dozens of quakes occurred in the region over the last two-days; a normal indicator that a large-scale event may be brewing underneath Californians’ feet.

“A large swath of earthquakes hit the Pacific’s so-called Ring of Fire earlier this week, prompting some to wonder if it is a precursor to the oft-discussed massive earthquake, colloquially known as ‘the Big One,’” writes Fox.

“Several of the quakes registered significant impacts, including one that hit 5.0 and shook the area on Tuesday morning. Fiji appeared to be the most impacted, as five tremors above a 4.5 magnitude hit the small island,” adds the article.

The last “big one” to occur in California was the Great Earthquake of 1906 that struck San Francisco; destroying nearly 80% of the city and killing 3,000 people.