Thank Goodness Our VP is Safe

We see this quite often among libs.

Explains a lot. :thinking:

What is your point?

Is mental health struggles a liberal only thing?

what an odd thread.

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Why doesn’t she just use her broom??

Good question. Blows her hair? :man_shrugging:

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Because we wouldn’t have fixed that plane otherwise?

What is she the ambassador of?


Why wouldn’t we fix that plane no matter who was on it when the issue was discovered?

That’s what I thought. She shouldn’t have been on that plane in the first place. Thank you.

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1). You opinion is noted.

  1. Doesn’t mean it’s her fault the plane broke!

I’m sure that team spirit is greatly appreciated. lol

I just don’t understand why you think it’s Harris’s fault that the plane broke.

This whole thread is a Fever Dream. If it was about trump, you guys would ave locked it hours ago.

The OP seems to invent Harris suffering trauma, then mocks her for it. Then, everyone btches and moans about nothing, and claims Harris flys a a broom. You suggest Harris is costing us money, when obviously whomever used that plane next would have suffered this delay…


But Trump! :rofl:


Only ambassadors can talk to other countries

and we should mock people for made up emotional traumas. totally.


We all need our two minutes of hate



But it’s not, no matter how much you want it to be.

If you have a problem with the management of this forum, take it up appropriately.

Think about that for a minute.

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