TEXAS RAMPAGE: Authorities Release the Identity of the 17-Year-Old Gunman

Something should be done about monsters that want to punish people who are guilty of no crime and strip people of their right without due process.

We’ve been through this entire discussion before in detail and your requirements for what would constitute “properly stored” would make owning even a single firearm unaffordable for most people because they could never afford to meet your safe storage requirements.

If you break into my home or vehicle ans steal my firearms you have already committed at least two felonies neither of which I am responsible for.

At least that many, you’re broken record who never has anything new to add to the discussion.

You are of course completely wrong on both of the first two counts. Explosives are far more effective when the chosen mission is mass casualties. That’s why when the military gets serious about killing everyone in the AO we call in airstrikes and artillery.

Would be Killers just like you have simply been convinced by Hollywood and Leftist gun hating politicians that it’s the gun, not the person that is the real weapon.

In an hour or less on the internet anyone can learn to make their own incindiaries and explosives right at home with common items from the local hardware, plumbing supply or Lowes.

There is a very good reason why the ACLU was on the same side as the NRA on this one. The EO was blatantly unconstitutional.

Or it’s a back door method to prevent gun ownership (IE Banning guns). By making the cost of ownership high enough, people won’t have the financial means to own one. Similar to attacking ammunition vs guns themselves.

It wasn’t the intent of the father in either case.

Unless they did the murder, there’s no reason for them to.

You are assuming running the bus off the road is an accident. There’s been a couple of them use cars.

Well at least the insurance would be really cheap given the odds any gun owners children will become a mass murderer. A dollar or two a month should cover it.

No gun was ever designed to maim anything.

No. Not a bit.

Which would, wait for it, make people less responsible instead of more. After all, they’re off the hook financially now, insurance will pay for their negligence.

No, I’m not.

The dead have no “rights”.

Yes, that is definitely a motive of those who are demanding that gun owners purchase insurance to cover the cost of any misuse of their guns. They are much more open about their motive when they propose heavy taxes on guns and ammunition.

That would be a dollar or two more than it should be.

Rumor has it that the AR15 was. :wink:


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No need to be a sarcastic and play the role of an internet forum troll. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
I did not say to omit the story, or hide why these students were killed.

I’m just saying we do not need to plaster this killer’s name all over the place, and make another murderer infamous. This type of notoriety is what some of these crazy people crave. There’s no need to feed their ego and make then infamous.

Darn good thing it wasn’t a AR-15, right?