Texas freezes ,ted cruz flies to cancun

Did he?

Nope but then, I am not objecting to criticism on that basis. I even agree with it.

You have no valid basis for objecting to criticism in this case. None exists.

Sure it does, the way he could help the most, could be done from anywhere. He’d do far more good fundraising than handing out soup or whatever.

You just said yourself that Cruz isn’t working because the e Senate isn’t in session, which is bull ■■■■ if you know literally anything about how politicians actually work but hey.

No, I said he didn’t need to be in DC because the Senate isn’t in session. I am well aware they also have work to do at home.

Get the phone book. Hello, this is Ted Cruz, how can I help?

Go to Mattress Mac’s. Hello, I your Senator, can I help? Mac, what do you need?

Go to the gas line, Here’s a cup of soup. We’re working on it. What else do you need?

Hello Ron DeSantis? This is your buddy Teddy Bear, what can we do to borrow some of your plumbers?

Hello Greg, I’m here. What do you need? Put me to work.

Throwing rolls of paper towels at people is better than running off to Cancun.

He kind of let slip what really happened. The schools were closed. They got bored and started pestering. “We’re bored! We want to do something!”

He surrendered. He should have put them on all plane and he knows it. And he knew it then.

Been me they could have either helped pass out soup or gone to her mother’s house.

“Go to Mexico? Woman are you out of your right mind? Shut up and get away from me.”

Is he fundraising? No.

The people standing in line needed soup and gas. Not “fundraising”.

If he can do it from anywhere, he can do it from the Walmart parking lot gas line between handing out cups of soup.

And Beto, their next Governor.

Why isn’t the freakin’ Senate in session? We kill the virus? Everything thawed out? We got our $2 large? The gender studies in Pakistan complete? All the White Supremacist Qs rounded up? Institutional racism un-institutionalized? Everybody vaccinated? DACA resolved? Weed legal?

Those ■■■■■■■■■■■ work about 4 hours a day about 100 days a year. They were just off for the holidays. They need another vacation a month and a half later?


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Who has to be there more days for longer?

A. US Senator/Congressman

B. A first grader

Today, he deserves it more between the two.


That is a leadership role.

Today, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of Brooklyn, NY, deserves to be the Senator from Texas more than Ted Cruz.

Today, Robert Francis O’Rourke deserves to be the Senator from Texas more than Ted Cruz.

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You think it was moral of him to blame the trip on his kids and then lie that he was only going down for one day as a “chaperone on the flight”? (It has since been discovered he was booked to stay there with them through Saturday).

Just asking if it’s moral to use one’s family and lie like that for politician expediency.

Maybe he could have interfaced on their behalf with FEMA.

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And that somebody else invited them when his woman was doing the inviting?

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Maybe he could go to the Big Secret FEMA Warehouse and help them load the trucks.

He’s a lawyer, been in front of the SCOTUS a million times. Maybe he could be in an office in Austin figuring out what to do about ERCOT and how to keep us from paying $9k an ounce for electricity.

Did Cruz close beaches? Did Cruz tell anyone else they shouldn’t take a vacation to get away from the cold? Did he do anything hypocritical at all in going to Cancun?

I doubt if he will ever be POTUS, but this won’t be the reason.

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