Texas bans abortion

That’s not common ground on the procedure known as abortion.


What does biological science have to do with the right to privacy.

As long as the pro-lifers refuse or recognize this right no agreement on this issue is possible.


Abortion is not about the right to privacy, it’s about the right to life.

Admit it. You know I am right.

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Hence there is common ground with the pro-life faction until they recognize the right to privacy.


He knows it.

He’s just trolling.

there’s 100’s of rights, unfortunately the government is only precluded on infringing on the enumerated ones.

Nah it’s very much about the right to privacy balanced versus the right to life.

It’s both. That’s how balancing works. I would say balancing of the equities because that’s what the courts call it but then heads would explode.

Which “equities”?

I know nothing of the sort.

The right to privacy is a right.

You have no business in my medical affairs as long it follows SCOTUS guidelines.



In the case of abortion the right to life versus the right to privacy

How are those “inequities”?

Here is the SCOTUS order, granting certiorari and requiring a response from Texas at noon on Thursday.


They can be. They don’t necessarily have to be.

Ok, how can they be?

Roe outlines it. So does Casey. They can be. Not everyone agrees that they are at any point of pregnancy.



Here is the SCOTUSBLOG take on the emergency petition and the grant of certiorari.


I don’t understand what you are saying.

Equity is the allocation of resources and opportunities needed to achieve equal outcomes.

So we have a baby and a mother. The desired outcome is life.
The baby needs more resources allocated to achieve that outcome.

If anything, “equity” would seem to require banning abortion.

Unless you mean the mother and something else having equal outcomes.

We have a fetus and a mother.
