Tennessee is about to become the first U.S. state to make it a felony to camp on local public property such as parks

Our jails are filled with the able bodied.


Would be nice if we would go back to supporting work programs for inmates.

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Okay but what percentage of the homeless are “able bodied”?

Put their lazy asses to work while they’re at it. That garbage isn’t gonna pick itself up.


82% if they’d get off the smack.


Probably none, they’re mostly drug addicts. That’s the fun part of all of this… we have shelters in Houston but they can’t go if they’re actively taking drugs and for good reason. They refuse to accept the help because they like their drugs and idiots at corners just keep handing them money.


a felony to go camping? are boy scouts really that dangerous?

There’s a difference between camping in the woods and living in a public park.

But drug addiction is not always permanent, they could become able-bodied.

Maybe they would accept if the other option was jail?

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Ladies and germs, I give you modern day conservative “thought” in a single sentence.

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How about fix the economy, which would reduce a lot of this to proportions easily handled by the private sector?

Is that too much to ask?

Fine. TN is a conservative Republican state. Instead of foisting their problem off, let them instead run a pilot program with this. Let us see what happens.

Incidentally, there are ~28.5k homeless children in TN. What are they going to do with them? Workhouses? Sweat shops? Soylent Green?

Pick anytime in the last 20 years where the economy was great…

How did the private sector solve homelessness during those times?

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Right. Because there is a “fix economy” button in the Oval, Biden just can’t find it.

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Easy. It was never solved. At least in the olden days, the homeless had the grace to remain out of sight and mind.

It’s a complex fix, and it requires real work…something libs never like to do.

Instead of finding out why we suck at motivating minorities to learn, let’s just get rid of AP classes so minorities feel better about themselves.

Instead of creating an economy that has jobs that pay real wages, let’s just cancel student debt instead.

Complete laziness IMHO.

Boilerplate conservative clap trap.

Many, many Americans are just one medical emergencey away from destituition.

The problem is much more complicated than education.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you liberalism 101. Put a Band-Aid on a broken leg.

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Of course they could but that has to come from THEM, we can’t force it on them. The ONLY way to get them to become productive is to cut them off. Who knows if they’ll accept rehab over jail but I do know this… I’ve seen enough in my life to know that the only drug addicts that recover are the ones that make that choice for themselves.

For starters, remove them from the parents that are making them homeless. Are you really ignorant enough to think that people walk by homeless kids and do nothing about it? Also, take a long look at the source. They link articles that go to “buy this domain” which leaves me very suspicious of their numbers and conclusions. If you look at other sources, they identify homeless children as the following:
• sharing housing with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
• staying in hotels, motels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to a lack of alternative, adequate
• staying in emergency or transitional shelters;
• abandoned in hospitals;
• staying in public or private places not designed for humans to live; and
• staying in cars, parks, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings, or substandard housing.

nche.ed.gov says there are 18,482 homeless kids in Tennessee.

Seriously, if you’re unable to care for your child, that child needs to be taken away. That said, losing your job and apartment and moving in with Grandma isn’t homeless. Moving in with your friend for a period of time until you get on your feet isn’t homeless. Those are situations that are short term and are added to the total ‘homeless’ kids number for shock value to pull at the heart strings and get you to turn over more money and power to the government. Most of us have taken in people that would be classified as homeless to the government. Life has challenges and the best solution is to rely on friends, family and your church, not to stand in line with your hand out, demanding that government create more homeless families in order to fix YOUR situation.