Teamsters’ Black caucus defies leadership with Harris endorsement

Caucus members voted unanimously Tuesday to endorse Harris at a conference in Las Vegas. Publicly backing Harris risks pushback in a union with a history of retaliation.

Glad the see the black caucus step out and endorse Harris. It’s a stark contrast with the Teamster president wasting his time at the RNC. Between the two parties, there is no competition for the interests of labor.

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because she’s “black”


Well, she’s a DEI hire so…


“teamsters black caucus”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


This was such winning strategy with Obama I see why you’re doing it again.


The Teamster president that spoke at the RNC is probably about to revoke his endorsement of Trump. Do any of your news source tell you the whole story or what.

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pssst… he never endorsed him

you think the teamsters black caucus endorsed her because of her great ideas for trucking?

get rid of diesel?

seems to be her only idea


As this country weakens from within, nuclear families are destroyed, children become adults…ill equipped to deal with the heavy responsibilities of adulthood and as a direct result…need financial help because they can not financially provide for themselves but still get to vote…let’s all watch our capitalistic portion of our country continue to deteriorate and our nation flushed down the lib provided toilet.

Now…listen…and you can hear the Kamala cackle.


He didn’t endorse him… but he definitely has egg on his face after Trump and Musk laughed about firing striking workers.

It’s funny though… I am texting with my buddy who works on the show “FBI” whose teamsters are very Trumpy. I asked him what they are saying about it… he said that they aren’t saying anything but they are all talking about the video where Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin ate children… a video that all of them have totally seen.

So there is that.


So you hang with some weird people. Weird.

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I’m labor. There’s a lot of competition

Frazzledrip. I completely forgot about this. Where it all started. Seems sort of tame these days.

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I had to heart this comment.

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Glad you agree.

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there was no strike

twittiots decided they could stay home and work from there. Musk told them no. They decided to try it anyway. he fired them

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Is that a bad thing? I thought DEI was the bee’s knees.

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Wonder how many black truckers especially independents have lost their arses or their jobs because of high fuel prices brought to us by the Harris-OBiden dumbass failed energy policies and regulations?

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Which policies and regulations?

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Oh, I do not agree. I think the argument hurts Trump terribly. I want to see it uprated.

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