Tampa General: great success with COVID-19 treatment, reduces hospital stays

So what?

This remains true.

If you are exposed to the virus you are much less likely to be infected if you are vaccinated.

If you are vaccinated and get infected you are more likely to clear the virus faster and thus be a vector for a shorter period of time.

If you are vaccinated and you get infected you are much less likely to become severely ill.

Being vaccinated is the most effective tool in the toolbox and will remain so for the long foreseeable future.

The more people vaccinated means that the virus is spread less and less.

People should get vaccinated.


Get vaccinated with a vaccine proving to not be as effective as we would like?

See: CDC: 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized Or Died …

The fact is, in general, if those who have been infected with the virus are immediately treated (within the first few days), the chances are, not only will they recover, but develop antibodies which research is showing are far more effective than big pharma’s vaccines. So yes. More attention, especially from our mainstream media, ought to be “focused” on treatments than has been taking place. All we hear is “get the vaccine or die” from our big media. And after getting the vaccine we now find out countless are winding up with Covid and in need of treatment.

Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

Yes. Get vaccinated.

Even though it has lost some effectiveness with the Delta Variant, it is still way more effective than being unvaccinated.

The more people who are vaccinated the less chance for the virus to find vectors for infection.

People should get vaccinated.


Your thinking is void of logic.

The vaccine has proven to not be very effective in creating immunity. And now, those who have received the vaccine several months ago, are being told to get a booster shot.

On the other hand, we are learning that those who have tested positive for the virus and beat it, have developed antibodies which research is now showing are far more lasting and effective than the big-pharma’s vaccine. So, logic tells us that more attention ought to be focused on treatments, and informing the public to get a treatment in the very early stages of getting the virus. Instead, all we hear from our mainstream media is “get the vaccine or die”.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

Yeah… that is how vaccines work sometimes.

It is a strange world to live in that if something doesn’t work 100% that even if it remains more effective than not that it should be abandoned.

The vaccines work. They are keeping those who have gotten them from getting infected at a much lower rate and have lowered the chance of getting ill and dying if one does get infected.

Ignoring that and repeating the same flawed argument over and over is supremely weird.

Why is anyone arguing against vaccinations?


Once again you deflect!

On the other hand, we are learning that those who have tested positive for the virus and beat it, have developed antibodies which research is now showing are far more lasting and effective than the big-pharma’s vaccine. So, logic tells us that more attention ought to be focused on treatments, and informing the public to get a treatment in the very early stages of getting the virus. Instead, all we hear from our mainstream media is “get the vaccine or die”.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

In this reality we have seen that those who are unvaccinated, have been infected and are then later vaccinated have a much better antibody response and have protection that is better than natural immunity or vaccinated immunity.

An even better reason to get vaccinated.

But let us get on to the next part.

Which is an odd thing to say since the sentence before that ended with

Any treatment that is made will also be made by big pharma and in the case of what has been promoted by you, monoclonal antibodies, is orders of magnitude more expensive than any vaccination. Focusing on treatments like that and eschewing vaccinations is making big pharma more money, not less.

No. What is being said is that vaccinations are the best way to keep people from getting sick or dying.

They are more effective than the alternative.

And yet we find CDC: 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized Or Died …

So, More attention, especially from our mainstream media, ought to be “focused” on treatments than has been taking place. All we hear is “get the vaccine or die” from our big media. And after getting the vaccine we now find out countless are winding up with Covid and in need of treatment.

Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

Yes… you can repeat the same thing as often as you like, but it will still be wrong.

If the concern is about big pharm… well the vaccinations are much cheaper than treatments with monoclonal antibodies… that doesn’t even include the cost of a hospital stay which is more money to biog pharma.

If the concern is about the vaccine not being as effective against the Delta variant than it was against the Alpha the answer is “so what?”

It is still effective enough that a vaccinated person is much less likely to be infected if they are exposed to the virus and if they get infected they are much less likely to suffer a serious illness.

And yes, there is a a certain percentage of people who are vaccinated that will suffer serious illness because nothing in this world is perfect and it is getting childish to reject something that is imperfect but works well enough for the majority of people in favor of more people getting sicker and dying.

People should get vaccinated.

Really… they should.

So, now you are saying the article is a lie?


That is not what I have said at all.

Please do not put words in my mouth.

This is the last time I will type this out since apparently nothing can be learned.

If one is vaccinated and are exposed to the virus they are much less likely to be infected than if one is unvaccinated.

If one is vaccinated and gets infected they will tend to clear the virus from their system faster and thus be a vector for a shorter period of time than one who is unvaccinated.

If one is vaccinated and gets infected they are much less likely to suffer severe illness than someone who is unvaccinated.

None of this is a 100%. None of this is binary but instead is upping the chances of first not being infected, second not being a vector for as long and third being less likely to have severe illness.

This is cheaper and able to scale better than people remaining unvaccinated and getting monoclonal antibodies.

It is more effective.

People should get vaccinated.

So, now you are saying those who have been infected with the virus, and built up natural antibodies, and for some reason then get vaccinated, “have protection that is better than natural immunity or vaccinated immunity.”

That seems to confirm that antibodies play an important part in living with this virus which thinking people now agree will be with us for years and years. Additionally, your comment does not inform us of the “protection level” of those vaccinated who had natural immunity prior to getting the vaccine because they were told “get the vaccine or die”.

In any event, and as I keep saying, more attention ought to be focused on treatments, including the antibody treatment, and informing the public to get a treatment in the very early stages of getting the virus. Instead, all we hear from our mainstream media is “get the vaccine or die”, which is utter nonsense.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

I am beginning to think that the argument being made is based completely in straw and for some reason an anti vaccine position arose from that .

It is really strange.


What is “strange” is that you are all over the map and when confronted with the truth, you evade and obfuscate.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

I have been consistent and have been doing nothing but repeating the same thing over and over.

You are going to have the last word… but this got boring.


I think we should focus:


see: The Bias Against Natural Immunity | Marty Makary, M.D., M.P.H.


He has been extremely consistent. Are you reading his posts?

I notice you cut major parts of each of his posts to address a statement that is out of context without the part you cut out.

I have a question that you skipped over…

Why is big pharma and issue with the vaccine but not an issue with monochal treatments… which are also made by big pharma?

We are? I thought I saw a study showing the opposite?

I see you have nothing productive to add to the conversation.

The fact is, we are learning that those who have tested positive for the virus and beat it, have developed antibodies which research is now showing are far more lasting and effective than the big-pharma’s vaccine. So, logic tells us that more attention ought to be focused on treatments, and informing the public to get a treatment in the very early stages of getting the virus. Instead, all we hear from our mainstream media is “get the vaccine or die”.

Make no mistake. There is domestic and foreign blood on the hands of all those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket.

What does research say about having antibodies AND getting the vaccine? Does it make them more, less, same against catching/spreading Covid?

What is the point of calling out “big pharma” regarding the vaccine?

No, logic would tell us that we should prevent people of getting Covid in the first place. Vaccines are effective at doing that.

Why didn’t you call out “big pharma” here, when it comes to treatments?