Tampa General: great success with COVID-19 treatment, reduces hospital stays

Yup. You sure do come out and post non-specific slanderous remarks.


You did write: “50,000 people have died in the State and a really big chunk of that was after there was a vaccine.” How do you attribute those deaths to DeSantis?


Let us never forget. There is now both domestic and foreign blood on the hands of all those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket.

His policies are a failure. Just like when Cuomo made bad policy that got a bunch of people killed at the beginning of thee pandemic… DeSantis has really bad policy in a time when we have vaccines and pretty good mitigation strategies.

If a Democrat was doing this poorly I am sure that you and I would have agreement.

So, once again you refuse to be specific and restate your talking point.

Let me once again point out: You did write: “50,000 people have died in the State and a really big chunk of that was after there was a vaccine.” How do you attribute those deaths to DeSantis?


One… he has stood in the way of localities putting in mask mandates.

Two… he has fought against businesses like cruise lines instituting vaccine requirements.

Three… he has said recently as early Sept that someone not getting vaccinated “really doesn’t impact me or anyone else” even though an unvaccinated person is way more likely to get infected, get really sick, end up in the hospital and possibly die. This attitude leads to hospital overcrowding of cases that could be completely avoided.

10,000 people have died of Covid in Florida since July. DeSantis’s response… nothing to do with prevention. Nothing to do with slowing the spread. His lassez Faire attitude about it has gotten a lot of people killed.

And the thing about those who excuse this failure… they don’t care. He was elected because he runs on the idea that Government doesn’t work so there is no expectation for him to do anything that would lower the spread of the virus.

He has simply failed.


With regard to masks as preventing deaths, the commonly worn masks, and even the N95, does little to protect against the spread of the virus. These masks are ineffective with respect to aerosols, and, to the best of my knowledge, is the most common method of covid transmission. At best, they may reduce the distance somewhat which the covid virus may travel from an infected carrier to others. In fact, they give the wearer a false sense of security and may even be a contributing factor in the spread of the virus.

In regard to DeSantis being against businesses like cruise lines instituting vaccine requirements, I do not see the connection between that thinking, and it causing deaths. Leaving people free to make their own choice of getting the vaccine or not getting it does not cause deaths. As a matter of fact forcing some people to get the vaccine could be fatal to them… So, once again your assertion about DeSantis’ policies is groundless and without substantiation.

With respect to your third complaint, it certainly does not established DeSantis’ comment is inaccurate, nor has it forced people into a situation causing death. DeSantis simply believes in respecting the people’s inalienable right to make their own decisions and choices with resect to the COVID outbreak.

And, in response to your comment which starts off with "10,000 people have died of Covid in Florida since July. DeSantis’s response… nothing to do with prevention . . . " that is absolutely not true!

DeSantis has constantly worked to disseminate information to the public instructing them how to avoid becoming infected, and has not only worked to get a sufficient supply of the vaccine for Florida’s residents, but worked to set up centers for Florida residents to get the vaccine as a preventative measure.

Additionally, unlike the nitwitted leadership in NYC, DeSantis led the way in establishing an effective treatment for those who have become infected, and this in itself has saved thousands of lives here in Florida.

So, contrary to your groundless clap trap about failure, as I correctly pointed out above, the real failure here is your failed attempt to assign any legitimate failed policy to DeSantis. But hey, we all knew you were all wind and no sail from the very beginning.


Our socialist revolutionaries are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

Which is a very important thing when trying to limit the spread of a disease.

The fact that we are talking about this in 2021 and not the times when disease was caused by witchcraft is wild.

Looking at the rest of the post… it is simply apologizing for his policy failure and the needless deaths.

Going back to the airplane crash analogy. If there were two 737’s crashing in Florida per day do you think a response of well people are free to go on planes… they might crash… they might not… there is nothing else I can really do… would that be something that would be acceptable.

With a seven day average of over 350 people dying per day I just cannot see why there are those who are saying that DiSantis is doing an amazing job while currently in NY which is seen as being terrible is having a seven day average in the 30’s.

Well, as has been for the past several posts, you have once again failed to substantiate your assertion that DeSantis’ policies have failed.

Look, Jezcoe, I suspect you have a deep seated jealously for Florida flourishing through the COVID outbreak, and people being left free in Florida to make their own decisions and choices to avoid infection and concerning their health. Or, on the other hand, perhaps you have actually been brainwashed into embracing NYC’s one size fits all __ No Vax, No Service which discriminates against those with natural immunity and ignores the science, by actually encouraging the fully vaccinated, who are symptom free but infected and can spread the virus, to go about and enjoy public accommodations and spread the virus, while those who have natural immunity and are virus free, are discriminated against by government and prohibited from going about their daily activities.

In any event, when all is taken into account and carefully considering the “big picture”, I find no fault with Gov. DeSantis’ handling of the Chines virus outbreak. Business in Florida is still healthy, depression, suicide and drug abuse from irrational lockdowns has been held to a minimum, sufficient vaccines have been made available to Florida’s residents, effective treatments for the outbreak have also been made available to the people, and people have been mostly left free to make their own decisions and choices to avoid infection which is essential to a freedom loving people. Of course Florida’s policies are different than that of the Cuban style government in NYC which you live under. But hey, keep in mind you are free to leave there and move to Florida, so long as you do not bring your government nanny state policies here.



Thank you Gov. DeSantis for a good job under difficult circumstances.

Actual reported covid deaths in Florida on 9/16/2021 was 1,554.

Try and keep up with what is going on.


Now that right there…. That is really funny.

Well, I see we have another poster making things up. Here is a screenshot fpr 9/16/2021 confirming what I posted.



They don’t report the deaths every day,

That is why it is more useful to use the seven day tracking average.


The seven day average is also at 0 unlike your beloved New York:

You should take Allan’s advice and “Try and keep up with what is going on”, especially in your beloved NY!.


Yesterday Florida announced that it just passed 50,000 Covid deaths.

I don’t know where that chart is scraping it’s info from but maybe look at more than one source.


The booster shot talk may be premature.

Some sort of FDA advisory committee voted 16-2 today not to allow Phizer booster shots to anyone except 65 and over or folks with high risk of serious illness.


Your source confirms Florida’s COVID DEATHS as shown in the screen shot I provided.

Of course, you are now trying another stupid debating trick, mixing apples and oranges. We were talking about confirmed daily deaths. . . . not total number of deaths.


The chart that you linked to shows less than 100 deaths since Aug 18. You have to know that that is not correct… right?

That chart has something broken from where ever it is aggregating the info from.

Do you actually believe the chart when it says that between Aug 15 and Aug 24 that there were only 7 deaths in that 10 day period?

Does that look right to you?


It looks pretty much the same as this source:

Zero deaths on Sept. 16th, 2021


Right. Now look at the 7 day average on that chart.

We are not talking about a 7-day average. We are talking about deaths on 9/16/2021, and that number is reported as “0”. Of course, it is very possible that the number of deaths the following day could jump to a significant higher number.

In any event, Both charts show that Florida is doing far better under the leadership of DeSantis than New York is doing under it’s nitwitted leadership.