Tampa General: great success with COVID-19 treatment, reduces hospital stays

Seven days delay as a general rule.


It is recommended that people wait at least 7 days between a dose of seasonal flu vaccine and a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The 7-day time frame is a precautionary measure to manage the common side effects that come with many vaccinations.

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It’s not a what if. Do we have a control group? A group that didn’t wear masks or “lockdown” vs a group that did?

These things are knowable.

We are seeing an experiment of sorts between vaccinated and unvaccinated right now.

Not to great to be in the control group.

Apparently 7 days is the rec.

You just did. P-anon

That’s kind of silly. What if he owns Pfizer stock?

The vaccine is prevention. The monoclonal antibody is treatment and it works well.

I applaud him for being so proactive.

@johnwk2, you do realize eventually you will be exposed, right?

Why would you not give yourself every available opportunity to have the best possible outcome?

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Nah… I just find it funny.

Excellent point!


There is now both domestic and foreign blood on the hands of all those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket.

I have already been exposed and my immune system kicked its ass in a few hours! I am one of those people who has been blessed with an incredibly powerful immune system, as a matter of fact, I haven’t had so much as a cold for the past 25 years.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

The last one is not the next one.

Those articles are political hit jobs. Why do they forget to include Ken Griffin’s political contributions that benefited Barack Obama, John Kerry, Bill Nelson, and Rahm Emanuel?.

Instead of focusing on the game changing antibody treatment, which is vital in dealing with a virus which will be with us for many, many years and has, and is now, saving thousands of lives and freeing up hospital beds for those who need them, they decide to create an adolescent distraction, and by innuendo, suggest there is a nefarious scheme taking place behind the scene with Ken Griffin and Ron DeSantis.

They need to give this freaken crap a break! Griffin donates to important players. That’s how things are now done in Washington. Unfortunately, our entire political system has been infected by the money changers on K Street.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border

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From what I have read, fully vaccinated people 65 years and older account for about 75 percent of breakthrough COVID cases and wind up in the hospital or die. Maybe if this age group received a preemptive antibody treatment for covid, they would do better than they do by receiving the covid vaccine. Of course, I am not a doctor but logic tells me, that because one of the most vulnerable groups falling to the virus are the elderly, focusing on a successful course of action with this group would go a long way in dealing with the overall problem. The antibody treatment seems to be an important factor in this fight. Do you agree?


I would like to see your source for that please.

they certainly are, and we do know, every study comparing them has shown… absolutely no difference. don’t worry, i don’t expect you to acknowledge the science in favor of your politics

Source for what? What are you questioning?


in different bills, different moneys. the money was available, because of teacher unions, the teachers were not

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The above.

Put the following in a search engine . . . fully vaccinated people 65 years and older account for about 75 percent of breakthrough COVID cases


i agree, whats your solution… get shot or get shot?