Tabloid reports Nancy Pelosi Husband busted for DUI over Mem Weekend

Exhibit D.

How is an investigation initiated by a trump appointed, life long republican, carried out by a republican appointed life long republican in any way comparable to claiming Paul Pelosi was in a spat with his gay lover, or posting pictures of underwear and hammers or making jokes about it on the campaign trail?

Exhibit E.

Where was the Pelosi security?

Word is out.

So yes, you’re okay with 4 years of bogus Russian collusion. Glad we could straighten that out. For a second I thought we were done playing politics.


Exhibit F.

California DOES have a Castle Doctrine that Paul Pelosi could have used.

The most recent incident happened Tuesday in Fairfield. Two separate other home invasion shootings happened in Modesto last week.

On the books since 1872, California’s “Castle Doctrine” gives those people the right to act in self-defense because somebody came into their home/onto their property without permission and they felt their lives were in danger.

“Our home is our castle,” said Sacramento-area criminal defense attorney, Jennifer Mouzis, who handles cases where the Castle Doctrine comes into play. “It is our most sacred place. It is where we feel at home. It is where we have our children and our parents, and we can shut out the rest of the world.”

If you feel your safety or that of your family are in jeopardy, the law indicates you do not have to retreat. You can defend them.

“You have a right to use as much force as you need to use to make yourself feel safe against that person,” Mouzis explained.

Far more effective than getting a skull fracture for political gain.

So when is Paul Pelosi coming out?

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Retracted, but not corrected. :wink:


I inquired further. I was convinced it was nude with caramel sauce, maybe they confused tighty whities with whip cream?

-according to the reporting

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Quick, no one else’s virtue signaling is working! Send in the Expert!!



Exhibit G.

Kamala likes to raid the homes of her political foes.

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See? @toreyj01 invigorated the sidekicks to get back on that crusty soapbox and try again. He’s so elegant up there. :rofl:


Speaking of, the memes are rolling in. lol


It isn’t. In any way. Some will deflect, some deny, some double down. All childish and cruel, but that is the point of it all.

Charity begins at home.

California has a Castle Doctrine.

What does it say if the home invader lets you go for a potty break?


(D)epends on if there was a safe word.


That is when it really pays dividends to have a working relationship with that home invader.


Who there’s no evidence you knew him.

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We have seen NO evidence of anything yet.

No video.

No Xray of pauls noggin.

Not even a photo of Nancy weeping by pauls hospital bed.



Like claiming this was an obvious assassination attempt?