Surreptitious UN Force In America-Migrants?

Is the admin possibly creating a surreptitious UN force to operate in this country against American citizens, made up of MILLIONS of multi-national military age able-bodied single male illegals?


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pai mei no2

If terrorist agencies wanted to start taking over border communities all they would have to do is send their armies in here posing as phony asylum seekers and once strong enough in numbers, simply arm them and take over local governments in border towns. Essentially like the movie Red Dawn.

No they are not. This is the stuff of conservative porn.


Oh my god. We’re referencing Red Dawn?

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Just a flood of poverty stricken refuse from around the world here at the invitation of a political party that doesn’t believe in enforcing laws with which they do not agree.
That is bad enough.

1 Like your girlfriend is here…


Of course.

“ermigerrrrrrrd!!!1!” :rofl:


Calm down people, Biden is not smart enough to do something like this…

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I shouldn’t…

the UN doesn’t have that kind of military

comrade is not smart enough to plan it but he is stupid enough to allow it…

as was mentioned before: why launch a formal invasion with landing craft when enemies with designs on invasion can send in their armies one squadron per hour over the border… when they can regroup in a few months and launch their attack from the inside, behind our defensive lines …