Surprised this hasn't been posted yet....Biden falls going up Air Force one

Nah it’s fine.

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Why? Oh, and the forum clutches it’s pearls.

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The White House said Biden tripped over a sandbag

Right. As though there is a reason to have a sandbag next to the podium. :roll_eyes:

Why can’t they just tell the truth that the guy stumbled on something and simply doesn’t have the ability to counter it like someone much younger would be able to do?


You can see by his gait that he’s very stiff. He shuffles like an elderly person because… well, he is elderly :woman_shrugging:


You can see something that looked like sandbag in the video, it did not show if he tripped over it from my watching it once.

Whoever put that sandbag, aka trip wire, there after he walked up there is evil.

Somebody needs to Brandon-proof his walking surfaces. And probably cabinets and electrical outlets.

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I watched it a few times…I didn’t see a sandbag. Why would anyone have a sandbag in a walkway? That makes zero sense.


He’s going to break his hip.

Looks to be right in the screen grab before starting it, it’s in front of where he walks by. He points to it when he is getting up. Didn’t see him actually hit it though from casual watching.

Is it just me or does the cheering get louder after he falls?


Thanks. I didn’t see that. From the video it looked to me like a carpet or wire that got tangled up in his way.

Some things.

The diploma he handed just before falling was the last cadet in line. Yes, the cheering got louder – until people realized that he had fallen. You can hear the silence build as people started seeing it.

All the people in the stadium were there to see one or more specific cadets graduate. It’s a long procession. Almost 1000 graduates. When it’s done, (actually at just about any graduation ceremony for any school at any level) there is an increased cheer for the last one.

And at the Air Force Academy, the very last thing is for the Thunderbirds to buzz the stadium at the very end. Everyone there knows it. Many (most?) people start looking to the sky to see them coming.

No. People did not cheer because Brandon fell. It is (and always has been) a respectful crowd in the stadium, even when the dignitary is a President they do not hold in esteem.

How do I know this? I have attended several graduations there. Some with presidents that military families are keen to endorse, and some with presidents they are less than enamored of.

This is NOT to diminish the frailty of the current president. It is to point out the diplomacy and respect those people have for the event and the decorum of the crowd.

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Dude needs to hang it up, and his son and family are looking more and more corrupt as things continue to be leaked.

Who cares everyone cheered more loud after he fell.

I’m glad this is confirmed after @Guvnah cast doubt on it.

I heard zero silence, I heard it get way more loud after he fell. The Cheering literally got more loud after hitting the deck.

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Oh it got louder.

Also for the record, there was SOMETHING there that he tripped over. I would still expect him to be able to walk around stuff on that stage.

It could have been a sandbag. The weather here has been threatening rain all day. Some showers fell. It’s windy. A sandbag might have been there to hold something in place.

I’m surprised his handlers actually let him come here to do this. Standing that long, acknowledging 1000 individual graduates. It’s a tough slog. He did that after standing and delivering the commencement address. And the altitude at the stadium is almost 7000 feet. It’s especially tough to come from sea level and try to be active right away. Doubly so for a feeble elderly person.

Just a lot of bad factors culminating in a hard fall. It’s gonna leave a mark. He’s gonna need pain meds tonight.

Yeah there was a black sack with something in it.

The Air Force tried to assassinate the President!