Surprise! Colin Kaepernick is the new face of Nike

I agree he will be a good representative for Nike.

But that’s not a good thing.

Maybe the stock will drop back to a dollar like it was back in 1990.

Nike hasnt become a giant in the industry by making bad business decisions,.


Forgot to include a stock chart."NKE|Stock"+sid%3A"ea101481-b5d2-4796-39f9-afbb5cda2f5e"+segtype%3A"T3JnYW5pemF0aW9u"+segment%3A"generic.carousel"+secq%3A"nike+stock"+supwlcar%3A"0"+ctype%3A"2"+mltype%3A"0"+eltypedim1%3A"Organization"&tf=U2VydmljZT1GaW5hbmNlQW5zd2VyIFBvc2l0aW9uPU5PUCBSYW5raW5nRGF0YT1UcnVlIEZvcmNlUGxhY2U9RmFsc2UgUGFpcnM9dDoxMjYuMS5OS0U7Y2s6MTI2LjEuTktFOyB8&hs=3bp8PyRNYIwT%2BhvGWUHEBpM7sv%2BEyWyDxg6we0L63%2Fk%3D&FORM=SNAPCR


:rofl: That is indeed stupid.

I don’t feel about it at all. You didn’t, so your opinions about those who did are irrelevant to me, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Have a nice day.

That explains a lot. Why did you move to Texas?

Me too. We’ll probably be able to see the spittle.

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:rofl: they would put Malcolm X on the field if he could win them a championship.

Very good movie.

Yes, yes she is. The First Lady is indeed.

Burn baby burn. disco inferno as protesters set their Nike ■■■■ on fire. That will learn them a lesson.


Not at QB they won’t. Plus any team close to making a championship run, already had a WB to get them there. The only teams who would even need Kap did not want to take the risk of the negative publicity.

No they don’t. They aren’t shooting up congress or the Supreme Court.

Interesting take on it. You think the NFL agreed to it or had prior knowledge?

Divorce may be cheaper.

Oh wait until they remember this again

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Disco inferno wasn’t political.

Of course they would. Winning gets everything forgiven.

Now that’s cool! Thanks for posting it.

Neither was Nike’s business decision.

Strictly to make money for the company.
