Supreme Court Trust, Job Approval at Historical Lows

Reminds me of getting a new boss who immediately starts making changes with no background or understanding of what led to the way it was and if those changes will actually help. Some get it right but most fail.

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Reminds me of a Tyler Perry stereotype.


Pretty big one. There are probably other issues we could look at if we were so inclined. Six of these were appointed by a Republican pres, right ? 66 % of Americans obviously aren’t Republican.

Not as big as you think.

Republican and conservative are not the same thing.

lol… let me guess… its because of Marcuse?

Nah, its the modern instant media.

What does that have to do with the dysfunction of the legislative branch or which powers the SC needs taken away from it?

Good Lord.

And that’s 47% that still have a good deal of faith in the SC, much more than the Presidency or Congress.
Yes, it’s not the SC, it’s Dodd. Clearly most people were happy with abortion being allowed up to a certain time as approved by the Court, and didn’t want it put back in the political arena.
That doesn’t mean the court was wrong, just not popular.
Logically, Roe never made any sense. It basically said that no one can tell when life begins and then proceeded to dictate when life began.

It’s not my fault I can’t read your mind. We’re not all Sneaky Whisperers.

My mind or apparently anything else. Try the OP. It’s not all about you.

That’s true, like someone else pointed out - part of the reason for lifetime appointments on SCOTUS is so the judges aren’t supposed to issue rulings based on popularity or be swayed by elections.

The part where you directly responded to my post with “You’re wrong” was, in fact, about me.

Indeed. The one you are whining about is not.

So your “This should help” comment was not a follow up comment to the “Do your research” one? Can you see why it seems like it was?

You see that little red ball at the top of the first one?

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I don’t see a little Don Knotts ball at the top of the second one. CYA all you want, but that second post looked like a follow up to the one preceding it.

That’s right. There’s the little red ball (actually two) at the top of the first one.

There is not one at the top of the 2nd one.

That’s what the FBI used to call a clue.

“CYA”? Cover Your Assumption?

“Cover your ass”

Until your next unnecessarily vague post, have a nice day.

I’m not the one who needs cover.

Vague? The article isn’t clear?