Supreme Court OKs public money for religious education

From the OP link.

Maine law gives school-age children the right to free public education. But because many rural districts lack a public high school, a workaround was devised that allows students to attend nearby qualifying private schools with public assistance.

The failed state.

What do they mean “public assistance”? Vouchers?

You took multivariable calculus in middle school in the 60s?


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Sure, we called it 'rithmetic.

Didn’t do us any good. Now reading…

The ruling says that the state cannot discriminate against schools that offer religious instruction. It does not say that the government should fund the religious instruction itself.

Under Maine law, however, schools that offer religious instruction had been ineligible. This exclusion prompted a challenge by Maine parents, who argued that barring families’ preferred schools from the tuition aid program based on religion violates constitutional religious rights under the First Amendment.

The ruling is a victory for First Amendment rights. The title of the OP is grossly misleading.


And will anyone be surprised if Maine just scraps tuition assistance rather than face the horror someone might use the funds to attend a religious school?



Parents don’t want their kids exposed to abominable left wing agendas such as drag queens in schools.


Oh. So then, when you said the math courses available in my public school today were available in middle school the 60’, you didn’t really mean that?

That is certainly what the teachers’ unions want.

Yes, American education is saving our children from racist math.

Meanwhile the US is importing large numbers of engineers and scientists from India and other countries.

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Why should your tax dollars be spent to promote someone else’s religion?

Why should I pay to have children subjected to progressive ideology?


Luckily you’re not.

Kill your radio. you are being lied to.

Please see the thread “How many denials were there” for thorough rebuttal.

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The one that quotes an online pamphlet that was designed for high schoolers and wasn’t even part of the curriculum, and offered no example of the text books desantis pulled? And that showed the text book replacement publisher was an associate of Ronny?

That thread?

Kill your radio and tv. You are being lied to.

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Well, that’s not true at all.

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Of course I did.


You didn’t take multivariable calc in grade school.


How would you know? Did you?

Oh stop.

No middle school in the country has ever routinely taught calculus.

My HS in the 80s went up to BC.

Now our HS goes up to Multivariable.