Supreme Court likely to uphold Biden rules banning ghost guns

I am away from home so no links. Google ghost guns.

Supreme Court likely to uphold Biden regulations banning ghost guns.

Roberts, Barrett, Sotomayor, Kagen and Jackson clearly will vote to uphold the regulations and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are likely to vote to uphold. Only Thomas and Alito are certain to vote to overturn.

And clearly Roberts and Barrett may be reconsidering Bruen.

“Ghost guns” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oooooh! Scary! Boo!



How so?

Working hard to fix a problem that doesn’t exist, at the expense of the citizenry.

Throat those boots a little harder. It’s not even 8am yet… :rofl:


“Infringed” is a very delicate word.

Sounds to me libs are just paying lip service to their gun grabber crowds. Making problems where none exist.

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…it’s the start of removing the 2nd Amendment that the left has been working on for years. Start there…and then work on controlling everything with no threat of a “well armed militia”.


Great reagan phrase comes to mind. I paraphrase. Never let it be said of our generation that we had so much to lose but did so little to keep it.


How could a supposedly conservative Supreme Court support this?

There’s no serial numbers on the gun so it can’t be traced. That’s the problem. It isn’t the gun.


Yup. “Ghost” guns are scary because they’re harder for the government to control.


I really don’t see how “ghost guns” are a problem, outside the typical fear mongering of the perpetually insecure.


They’re not. Unless you’re trying to shut down the arms manufacturing and sales.

We have a government problem.

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This is the sort of hyper emotional histrionics that makes it difficult to take people seriously.

“Removing the Second Amendment”.


The most Second Amendment friendly Supreme Court in history. But they indulge ONE insignificant regulation and suddenly the jackboots are coming for 100 percent gun confiscation.


Calm down and get a grip.

All my weapons have a serial number. Not only not a big deal but no problem whatsoever.

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No such thing.

You’re right…I’m wrong. The current SCOTUS is 2nd friendly.

It’s neither a big deal nor a problem whatsoever if any of them don’t have a serial number either. :wink:


Unless you need to know how many to confiscate.


No they aren’t. No government group is.