‘SUPER WEIRD’: Cortez Compares Border Security with BERLIN WALL, Says Everybody in DC ‘Like a Spy’ | Sean Hannity

Recently sworn-in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to baffle supporters and critics alike over the weekend; directly comparing President Trump’s border wall with the ‘Berlin Wall’ and saying everyone in Washington, DC is “like a spy.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/super-weird-cortez-compares-border-security-with-berlin-wall-says-everybody-in-dc-like-a-spy/?fbclid=IwAR2G31D4ToIMVtSZmZ2NjP79jFBzQAjHRkun_PNn3lHmO7wLna1sk7D7VnE