Sturgis bike rally leads to a 600% jump in covid cases

Testing is useless.

Vaccinations need to be mandated. No vax - Make tracks


What question was that? I believe that @Smyrna is very focused.

Freakin’ Poxers

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@tnt, the border should be closed to illegal aliens period. We cannot sustain 2 million or more illegal aliens flooding across the border "to take jobs lazy Americans don’t want, and, spread diseases

Your question has no basis in fact. I think migrants who turn down the vaccine are making the same mistake that Americans who turn down the vaccine are.

I’ve never said otherwise.

I’m fine with that.

You didn’t vote for it.

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What does this have to do with Sturgis and Lallapolooz, which is what Smyrna and I were discussing?

As long as the tracks lead back to where the illegals came from. Illegals should circle back to their countries of origin.

Trump wasn’t doing it either, so what choice would one have if that were their #1 issue?

Also, that wasn’t my #1 issue in 2020.

Now that was a dodge and then some…well done…lol

What was your issue?:rofl:

I’d say each was people taking their chances. If you have had the sense to be vaccinated and it’s worth the risk to you…make your decision. Safest is to be vaccinated, wear a mask, and hide in a closet.

Could have been a union built chevy

Trump wasn’t letting them in.

What, pray tell, was your #1 issue in 2020?


I didn’t have an issue Smyra did. Just scroll up.

What do you mean my question has no basis in fact?

Are the un-vaccinated Americans not the focus for anger right now?

I’m just asking why the same standards are not held for everyone.

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I’m one of those dirty socialist union members…So i’d approve…

If Biden hadn’t bussed all those illegals to the event, this never would have happened.

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What would have happened? He did add fuel to the fire.l across the nation.