Sturgis bike rally leads to a 600% jump in covid cases

Did Stugis, like Lollapalooza require full vaccination or a negative covid test?

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Being they said the same thing last year and that was discredited quickly I will wait and see on this one.


Do we require immigrants to go through designated checkpoints for entry into the U.S.? Howā€™s something as important as that going? Youā€™re speaking nonsense again.

You may be waiting for a long time, like me waiting for sleepy Joe Biden to do something intelligent.

:rofl: Love it.


You compared Lollapalooza to Stugis.

Now you are talking about migrants.

Can you answer my question?

But it knows how you voted.


The Sesame Sickness hates republican voters.


Especially Trumpeters


You act as if our government can control something, which is an ignorant basis for your question and thatā€™s what I pointed out. Nowā€¦focus. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I hear theyā€™re one-in-the-same these days. :man_shrugging:


The real super spreaders event; Illegal aliens flood across our southern border from over 100 countries with COVID positives and then being bused and flown around the US paid for by the Dimocrat Illegal Alien Resettlement Program.


Now somebody clue @tnt into this.


This is just part of the Democrat vision for the pee-ons. Others include, high crime in pee-on communities. Open borders and overcrowded pee-on communities. Overcrowded and underfunded schools for all pee-ons. Overburdened health-care system for all the pee-ons. 100 trillion dollar debt, collapse of the dollar, out of control inflation. But honestly as long as the elites live in multi-million dollar mansions in exclusive gated communities protected by many heavily armed cops, is there anything thing else we pee-ons really need?


If he only had a clue. Ha ha

Reminds me of wizard of oz only have a brain I edited in stanza:

Gosh, it would be awful pleasinā€™
To reason out the reason
For things (one) canā€™t explain
Then perhaps (one will) deserve
And be even worthy of (smartness)
If (one) only had a brain

Oh Iā€¦could wonder whyā€¦the oceanā€™s near the shoreā€¦Iā€™d think of things I never, ever thought beforeā€¦

ā€¦and then Iā€™d stopā€¦and think some more. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Great name "pee-ons. I like that (and your whole dissertation.) +10

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You asked why no-one reported a Lollapalooza spike of Covid, but they did for Sturgis.

I asked if Sturgis, like LLP, had a proof of vaccination or negative test requirement, suggesting that might be why LLP didnā€™t spike cases.

You asked about the souther border.

Can you focus long enough to answer my question?

As recently as yesterday, I agreed with you.

Everyone who crosses ALL our borders should be tested, and offered the vaccine.

If Chicago had that type of control, why is murder out of control? Answerā€¦cuz they have no control.