Anti-Trump DOJ official Peter Strzok “may ignore” a recently issued subpoena to appear publicly before the House of Representatives says the agent’s lawyer; adding his client will “testify soon” at an unspecified time.
Evidently none of the guilty people on the left are going to cooperate in any way. If they weren’t guilty then they would be willing to testify. Isn’t that an old FBI rationalization for those that don’t come out and give the FBI information they want.
If he refuses,
He should be fired from the FBI and loose his pension.
He should also be arrested for contempt.
We know what the Truth is he didn’t like Trump and was looking to do what ever he could do to stop Trump by evidence of his text. The question is how much of his Bias was in at the start of the Mueller investigation.
No wonder the Investigation is getting hammered with lawsuits.
Strozk made it look like he had extreme Bias and may have influenced the Mueller investigation. FBI and Mueller should tell the boy to stop playing around and testify.