Stock market plunge continues, Amazon joins the "Cut-in-Half Club"

Yes, that is what I said. But I didn’t say that my loses began on the day he was inaugurated. It took him months to destroy what he inherited.

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Mine’s looking very good today.

Short term thinking …

LOL no. I’ve been in for ages. I know how it works.
Thank goodness for Apple, which I bought in the 80s and continuously reinvested.

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for those who don’t trade
Apple’s ticker symbol is AAPL

LOL- true. I invest in products/companies that I like and use- and I was an early Apple adopter. My faith in Peloton and Beyond Meat worked out a little less well.

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It would be perfectly normal right now for the Dow to continue rising to that wee little “X” I have drawn.

Of course it is also earnings season, there is a ton of cash on the sidelines and there is a Fed meeting soon, Any of those can change “perfectly normal,” but the base-case is that the market continues to rise until about Nov 8 or so.

Typically, the market rises following an election. The election establishes more certainty to the market economy. However, that bump is unlikely if the Dems hang onto the House.

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Would you put blind trust in the ideas of this man?

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Although I love that movie I just gotta say “huh?”

Don’t criticize Amazon.

Man, you walk in one morning and see how many Amazon packages you have to take out on your route and you wouldn’t have many kind words either!

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For beyond to work they at least needed to beat beef price.

Thats called “job security”

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Political flyers are job security … :wink:


Haha and junk mail, oh wait, same thing. Lol

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You see those damn things and you know your day just got longer.

Thank goodness for recycling. :wink: