Welcome to the board, Rjohnson.
The money came from the taxpayers. May I emphasize payers?
I’m glad it helped you, as it should have.
Time to put American’s first.
Welcome to the board, Rjohnson.
The money came from the taxpayers. May I emphasize payers?
I’m glad it helped you, as it should have.
Time to put American’s first.
I just got mine last week. It helps and I am happy to have received it.
I got both DD and a letter in the mail separately
So that’s how he plans to win, He’s buying votes.
Except it’s not “his” money.
Donald Trump gave us $1,200 stimulus payments, plus $500 per child.
I’m so glad our children and grandchildren won’t have to pay it back. It came right out of the Trump-stash. Just like the Obama-money came from the Obama-stash.
I just got mine last week. It helps and I am happy to have received it.
I’m happy it helped you. Sincerely.
I hope more Americans realize that Americans should come first not be squeezed like a lemon to make lemonade for others.
If we get another stimulus check, I think I’ll pay the suburban off. That’ll get me to my paramotor a lot faster.
I didn’t get a penny. I did, however, get my portion of the national debt increased.
Just sayin’…I don’t begrudge people who needed it to get through this period for getting it.
On the other hand…
I’d rather save up excess money after the monthly budget is paid for big purchases like that, especially since it’s going towards a personal hobby.
That makes it worse doesn’t it? He’s using taxpayer money to get elected again.
I’d rather he hadn’t. Should have been a two week break to figure out how Rona was transmitted then back to work with precautions in mind.
I didn’t get a penny. I did, however, get my portion of the national debt increased.
Just sayin’…I don’t begrudge people who needed it to get through this period for getting it.
Same here, Doug.
I’m glad it went to Americans who are in real need due to their livelihoods being shut down.
I’d rather he hadn’t. Should have been a two week break to figure out how Rona was transmitted then back to work with precautions in mind.
Should have been. Team players on that were turned into sitting on the bench.
That makes it worse doesn’t it? He’s using taxpayer money to get elected again.
This is my surprised face.
LOL… I was trying on a TDS hat, but it doesn’t seem to fit.
But on a serious note, everybody is going to have to pay that money back one way or another, most likely in some sort of future tax.
Strange. My money was direct deposited and I got a letter saying it had been direct deposited and was signed by Trump.
Got the same letter. We put it in our tax file so the accountant can do his thing.
Same here, that’s why I thought it strange if someone didn’t get the letter. As it turns out they did but just needed a chance for clarification.
When people vote this November, I hope they will remember something. Donald Trump gave us $1,200 stimulus payments, plus $500 per child. That money helped a lot of good people. It sure helped me. The money we received didn’t come from Joe Biden. I hope that people will remember that.
Welcome to the boards.
A lot will be riding on what happens with this next round of support. As I see it Mark Meadows is now driving the boat on behalf of Trump. And in his days in Congress he was mister “no” to any democrat proposal. I believe that there are a good numbers of voters who need a second round. And if they don’t get it, it will be on Trump.
If they don’t get it it will be on Pelosi not Trump.
Pelosi is hanging tough against a 1 trillion dollar bill for a much larger one which contains a lot of pork she wants.
I don’t think she will get it.
Businesses will need to open.
Everyone sees that November 3rd is the finish line no matter who wins or what the case count is.
Hospitals have been fine for months.