Steve Bannon indicted in NY!

I think they are claiming it was to himself. If this turns out to be true. Then burn his ass. Put this SOB and his cohorts in the clink for a long time.

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Trump will pardon them.

Here was an article about the castle rock Tim Shea



Kurt Schilling whose video game company (?!?) released the underrated Kingdoms of Amalur?


Erik Prince and Dave Clark being indicted would be icing on on the cake


Heā€™s a realtor!!! Thatā€™s even worse than a grifting Narc.

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Not much longer. Heā€™ll be a jailbird soon.

Anyone know the prison sentence for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering?

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A wild ride while it lasted though.

Just throw out a name and smear away.

Great investigative work interwebbers.

He did his own work and backed off the claim.

What do you think about the OP?


He corrected himself and weā€™re all cool with it.


No easier mark than a racist who needs something to ā€œbelongā€ to. The NRA figured that out years ago. Bannon decided to throw his hat into the ring also. Build The Wallā€¦ :joy: :joy:

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ā€œIā€™m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people,ā€

ā€“Donald J. Trump


This makes no sense. Zero chance. Why the hell would he pardon somebody who has betrayed him and stolen money from his supporters? Does he seem like the type of man who appreciates betrayal? Based on what? If this turns out to be more than a political stunt, they will get no help from the President.

Kolfage was the man grifter in all of this. He was the Billy McFarland of the We Build The Wall con job.

(Hat-tip to @mwevans1234 for the apt analogy)

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For 8 years we heard that who you surround yourself and are acquaintances with speaks volumes. Now that those people around the President are increasingly turning out to be criminalsā€¦we get crickets


To me this is the bigger deal than Bannon. This is crazy!

Wrong Shea, NF.

Not the same guy.

The very same. Great game but he screwed over RI for $28 million so this does not surprise.

Excited to see the remaster which launches next month.