Steve Bannon indicted in NY!

I have empathy for someone who lost half of his ■■■■■■■ body, while serving our country.

So empathy for a criminal, but not for innocent protestors who committed no crime.


Yeah…I know.



Now…run along and tell those lies to someone else.

What is that burning? Looks like an overlay.

None of that affects his ability to steal 100s of 1000s of $$$ from gullible donors to pay for boats, cars, cosmetic surgery, credit card debt, property tax payments, living the good life off of poor souls who thought every penny was going to the wall.

Nasty people.

The rest of it is still irrelevant.

Like I said, it was one of the weirdest posts you’ve ever written.

The indictment against the guy doesn’t look good…who cares whether at this moment he can’t make love to his “gorgeous wife”?

If it ends up he’s innocent that will be rectified.


You think you already know for sure, what is not yet proven and there lies our difference of opinions.

You can read the indictment. It’s not very long and it’s clearly written. They have the receipts. The text messages colluding on how to keep the pillaging secret from the gullibles. How they set up elaborate shell corporations to siphon off money that honest hard-working folks donated to them.

Nasty filthy people. Low life thugs.

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If he’s indicted in SDNY their conviction rate is around 98%.

Yeah… ■■■■ a trial. Screw having a jury. Just let you decide by reading what’s presented by those doing the prosecution and let’s call it a day…amirite? :sunglasses:

Lock her up.

■■■■ those two percent. We don’t need trials anymore. :sunglasses:


All I wanted then too…was a trial…based on the evidence but she was treated…differently than in this case.

Or the reality, they don’t indict unless they have an airtight case.

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Ring ring. Hillary’s calling.

Oh wait, Hillary has never even had an indictment even after investigation after investigation.

I’m gleefully awaiting trial for these 2 bit cons, criminals, thugs, grifters. Shame on them and their nasty schemes.

Well first you have to have evidence and then get an indictment. The difference is they didn’t have that.


We aren’t trying him are we? This is political discussion board and we’re discussing a breaking political story.