Stephen Colbert wants to change self-defense laws

What I was getting at is gangbangers (and the like) lie outside this premise. They are not effected by law as they work outside said law, it’s an entirely separate self perpetuating society in that regard.
In normal society governed by law, killings, assaults, etc do not typically perpetuate further violence as it is normally handled through a system of justice. With gangbangers, it’s typically handled from within, which perpetuates more violence and more gangbangers.

If you had watched the interview with him conducted just moments before he ran over to the burning vehicle to put out the fire, you would know why he was there. If you would arm yourself with commonly known facts instead of ignorance and fabrications, you wouldn’t have to keeps asking stupid questions.


Yes, he has certainly drug it out of you. :wink:

Yes. Do you know of any such instance where that occurred?

It doesn’t matter what you say. The fact’s showed otherwise.

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He actively shot the thugs that attacked him. That’s good enough for libs. :wink:


Okay, that’s fair, but I am skeptical that this attrition will come to pass. As I have been saying a lot, lately: we’ll see.

Ok, what evidence do you have to support your competing hypothesis?

Attrition requires two things, not one.

Looks to me like he is saying the increasingly violent left makes letting people own guns a bad idea.


Not at all. In fact, I defy you to find a single post from me advocating anything of the sort

Who is getting more violent? Not the right.


And here in Florida we have tsunamis.


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on America’s future generations.

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Well, I am not framing this as a left/right thing. The thread is about self defense laws, and I wonder about what happens when these laws rub up against an up-armed society.

Well then, compare Florida, a highly and legally armed society with . . . say Chicago.


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I presume by CC you are referring to Constitutional Carry, not concealed carry. (I remember not so long ago when it was only two.) But you are right, a culture of responsibly is what makes that work in those States. When (if) the remaining 35 States develops such a culture, they can safely implement Constitutional carry with no adverse effect as well. Thank you for that excellent point.

There are numerous cities in Florida with much higher violent crime rates than Chicago.

Miami and Chicago are about even.


What do your unsourced opinions have to do with firearm shootings?


In every communist dictatorial oppressive country, like Cuba, China, and Venezuela, the people are disarmed. Forewarned is forearmed.