Stephen Colbert wants to change self-defense laws

Did you not read the Colorado article?

You’ve obviously never been in a riot nor combat.

Yeah I did, because I saw their testimony and acknowledge how strong their motivation to lie through their teeth was. They were there, if they didn’t want his help they could have told him to leave.


The same thug was attempting to steal his weapon as well.

@scratch what does “trained” do when someone tries to take his weapon?

Now its fear…lol. Gotta say, you are entertaining. And how do you know thats not how I normally speak, and I that I tone it down here?

And/or frustration. “Offended” is usually a mask for fear.

Because you weren’t speaking that way before and you were still here when you toned it up.

Is that how you normally speak to strangers?

The cops told him to leave…

“The cops” lost their vote when they refused to enforce the law.


People I speak to on here aren’t strangers…And if I got into a debate with a stranger where ever…absolutely, if I wanted to stress my point.

You spoke it to me and I can assure you we are strangers.

No you wouldn’t.

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Ahh…so now we don’t have to listen to cops when they tell you to vacate. Interesting.

Again…you don’t know me. We’re strangers, remember?

They lost the moral authority to tell anybody anything when they refused to enforce the law.

Why are you really offended by this incident?


I don’t need to know you. I know human nature.

But not the legal authority… So one can just say they disagree with a cop and go about their business?..C’mon man…lol

And you’d be wrong…To quote “A Christmas Story”

“He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master.”

What is the legal authority for cops not to enforce the law?

To allow the burning of private property?

You are not a master working anything. It was sophomoric frustration/fear.

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What is the real reason some want to abolish/alter/diminish self defense laws?


Whatever makes you feel good about yourself. And by the way you speak to others on here, and claim to be an expert on everything, I don’t think that’s very good…lol.

Already told you…People end up getting killed by people who over react and or don’t know what the ■■■■ they’re doing.