Status of Trump's "other" Article III nominations as of 7/7/18

Trump currently has 13 Court of Appeals nominees pending in the Senate. 3 are on the Senate floor, 10 are in committee.

One of those three on the floor, Mark Bennett for the Ninth Circuit, has been tee’d up for a cloture vote Monday evening, with confirmation expected late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Trump currently has 76 District Court nominees pending in the Senate. 45 are on the Senate floor, 31 are in committee.

Trump currently has 2 Trade Court nominees pending in the Senate, both in committee.

That is a grand total of 91 Article III nominations pending.

Going to be quite a task trying to push through a Supreme Court nomination AND keeping all these other nominations moving.

To this point in his administration, the Senate has confirmed 42 Article III federal judges, including 1 Supreme Court Justice, 21 Court of Appeals Judges, 20 District Court Judges and 0 Trade Court Judges.

Cloture was invoked on Mark Bennett’s nomination to the Ninth Circuit.

The Senate will vote on final confirmation tomorrow at 2:15 pm.

Bennett will be Trump’s 43rd Article III judicial confirmation and his 22nd Court of Appeals confirmation.

Trump (as of Bennett’s confirmation tomorrow) has filled 22 of 179 Court of Appeals judgeships or 12.29%.

He has put (as of tomorrow):

1 Judge on the 3rd Circuit
4 Judges on the 5th Circuit
4 Judges on the 6th Circuit
4 Judges on the 7th Circuit
3 Judges on the 8th Circuit
1 Judge on the 9th Circuit (Bennett)
2 Judges on the 10th Circuit
2 Judges on the 11th Circuit
1 Judge on the D.C. Circuit
0 Judges on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and Federal Circuits

Bennett has been confirmed 72 to 27.

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Notable as being Trump’s first confirmation to the Ninth Circuit. He replace G.W. Bush appointee Richard R. Clifton for a seat in Honolulu. Still a long, long way from making any significant impact on the Ninth Circuit.

Ha that’s understatement.

There is the whole current Ninth Circuit. Even if he fills all six open seats (giving him 7 appointees) he will still be on the short end of the stick. :smile:

Title Judge Duty station Born Term of service Appointed by

Active Chief Senior
74 Chief Judge Sidney Runyan Thomas Billings, MT 1953 1996–present 2014–present — Clinton
76 Circuit Judge Susan P. Graber Portland, OR 1949 1998–present — — Clinton
77 Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown San Diego, CA 1951 1998–present — — Clinton
78 Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw Pasadena, CA 1954 1998–present — — Clinton
79 Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher San Francisco, CA 1945 1998–present — — Clinton
81 Circuit Judge Ronald M. Gould Seattle, WA 1946 1999–present — — Clinton
82 Circuit Judge Richard A. Paez Pasadena, CA 1947 2000–present — — Clinton
83 Circuit Judge Marsha S. Berzon San Francisco, CA 1945 2000–present — — Clinton
85 Circuit Judge Johnnie B. Rawlinson Las Vegas, NV 1952 2000–present — — Clinton
87 Circuit Judge Jay Bybee Las Vegas, NV 1953 2003–present — — G.W. Bush
88 Circuit Judge Consuelo María Callahan Sacramento, CA 1950 2003–present — — G.W. Bush
89 Circuit Judge Carlos Bea San Francisco, CA 1934 2003–present — — G.W. Bush
90 Circuit Judge Milan Smith El Segundo, CA 1942 2006–present — — G.W. Bush
91 Circuit Judge Sandra Segal Ikuta Pasadena, CA 1954 2006–present — — G.W. Bush
92 Circuit Judge N. Randy Smith Pocatello, ID 1949 2007–present — — G.W. Bush
93 Circuit Judge Mary H. Murguia Phoenix, AZ 1960 2011–present — — Obama
94 Circuit Judge Morgan Christen Anchorage, AK 1961 2012–present — — Obama
95 Circuit Judge Jacqueline Nguyen Pasadena, CA 1965 2012–present — — Obama
96 Circuit Judge Paul J. Watford Pasadena, CA 1967 2012–present — — Obama
97 Circuit Judge Andrew D. Hurwitz Phoenix, AZ 1947 2012–present — — Obama
98 Circuit Judge John B. Owens San Diego, CA 1971 2014–present — — Obama
99 Circuit Judge Michelle Friedland San Jose, CA 1972 2014–present — — Obama
100 Circuit Judge Mark J. Bennett Honolulu, HI 1953 beg. 2018 — — Trump
101 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
102 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
103 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
104 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
105 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
106 Circuit Judge vacant — — — — — —
38 Senior Circuit Judge Alfred Goodwin Pasadena, CA 1923 1971–1991 1988–1991 1991–present Nixon
39 Senior Circuit Judge J. Clifford Wallace San Diego, CA 1928 1972–1996 1991–1996 1996–present Nixon
46 Senior Circuit Judge Mary M. Schroeder Phoenix, AZ 1940 1979–2012 2000–2007 2012–present Carter
48 Senior Circuit Judge Joseph Jerome Farris Seattle, WA 1930 1979–1995 — 1995–present Carter
53 Senior Circuit Judge Dorothy Wright Nelson Pasadena, CA 1928 1979–1995 — 1995–present Carter
54 Senior Circuit Judge William Canby Phoenix, AZ 1931 1980–1996 — 1996–present Carter
65 Senior Circuit Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain Portland, OR 1937 1986–2016 — 2016–present Reagan
66 Senior Circuit Judge Edward Leavy Portland, OR 1929 1987–1997 — 1997–present Reagan
67 Senior Circuit Judge Stephen S. Trott Boise, ID 1939 1988–2004 — 2005–present Reagan
68 Senior Circuit Judge Ferdinand Francis Fernandez Pasadena, CA 1937 1989–2002 — 2002–present G.H.W. Bush
71 Senior Circuit Judge Andrew Jay Kleinfeld Fairbanks, AK 1945 1991–2010 — 2010–present G.H.W. Bush
72 Senior Circuit Judge Michael Daly Hawkins Phoenix, AZ 1945 1994–2010 — 2010–present Clinton
73 Senior Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima Pasadena, CA 1934 1996–2004 — 2004–present Clinton
75 Senior Circuit Judge Barry G. Silverman Phoenix, AZ 1951 1998–2016 — 2016–present Clinton
80 Senior Circuit Judge Raymond C. Fisher Pasadena, CA 1939 1999–2013 — 2013–present Clinton
84 Senior Circuit Judge Richard C. Tallman Seattle, WA 1953 2000–2018 — 2018–present Clinton
86 Senior Circuit Judge Richard R. Clifton Honolulu, HI 1950 2002–2016 — 2016–present G.W. Bush

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Lot of old hippies in there.

All I can say is Damn…and no wonder. I knew it was one sided but damn.

Two more nominations tee’d up for confirmation next week.

Exec. Cal. #892, Andrew S. Oldham to be US Circuit Judge for Fifth Circuit
Exec. Cal. #903, Ryan Wesley Bounds to be US Circuit Judge for Ninth Circuit

Oldham would be Trump’s 5th confirmation to the 5th Circuit and his 2nd confirmation to the 9th Circuit.

Bounds confirmation won’t have a great deal of effect on the 9th Circuit, as he replaces Judge O’Scanlain, known as one of the most conservative judges in the Federal judiciary. His seat will be in Portland, Oregon.

Cloture invoked on Andrew S. Oldham by a vote of 50 to 49 with McCain absent.

Oldham’s nomination was confirmed by 50 to 49, McCain absent.
Cloture invoked on Ryan Bound’s nomination by 50 to 49, McCain absent.