Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker today, and I enjoyed it.

Forget what the critics said, it was an entertaining film with some great action. The performances were solid.

It’s not the best Star Wars movie, but it was a solid film and a nice way to end this trilogy.

I recommend everyone to see this film.

I give it a grade of an A-.


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Yeah, the critics got it wrong on this one. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I can’t fault the movie for its sloppiness, any more than I can fault someone for putting hotwings on pizza. Seems like they took all their ambitions, put them in a 2.5 hr suitcase, and then jumped on the lid to force it shut.

As a fan, I really appreciated the effort.

I haven’t seen it so won’t comment yet.

But I DO think they have over-saturated the market with Star Wars movies and should take a few years sabbatical.

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ive seen it twice already.
i really liked it.

Jar.Jar. Abrams strikes again.

It was a decent conclusion to the trilogy, but aside from Rogue One, you’d be better off watching Star Wars Kid on YouTube than to waste time with the Disney produced Star Wars films.

Episodes 7, 8, and 9 and Solo, make The Phantom Menace look like The Godfather.

Agreed - Rogue One was good, the rest of the recent SW films left me unimpressed.

And I’m starting to think I’m the only person on the planet with a TV who thinks The Mandalorian is weak.

I’ll get around to trying out Disney+ eventually, but that is disappointing to hear. I like Pedro Pascal and was looking forward to seeing it. A few members of my family seem pretty high on it, but they also really like the new movies so I was a bit skeptical.

Been watching the marathon on TNT and as I watched Rogue One last night, I gotta say I’m not real thrilled about a Cassian Andor series either.

While I liked the movie…was entertaining enough…I did find it funny that JJ Abrams grew up a huge Star Wars fan, and his lifelong ambition was to make Star Wars movies…and then when given the keys to the franchise he didn’t know what to do with it.

Should have stopped with the original trilogy. Each new set of three films was worse than the preceding.

But this last movie did the things it seemed designed to do…provide an homage to all the movies that went before it, and to undo The Last Jedi.

I liked it.

My only issue was that it felt rushed. I honestly wish the story would have been split into two back to back movies.

Star Wars fans are almost as bad as Sonic the Hedgehog fans. They’ll protest your house.

He probably didn’t want to take too many risks like Rian Johnson did with the Last Jedi.

Well yes I did find that funny that fans complained how Johnson undid the Skywalker Mystique by putting out the idea that anyone could be a Jedi…it didn’t have to be in one’s blood.

Then complained about The Rise of Skywalker that Abrams made it all about blood again.

Lol you can’t satisfy them.

I’m more of a Trek guy myself. But even that fan base is a bunch of rabid Rottweilers.

I started watching all the prior movies on Disney+ first. Obi Wan will always be my favorite.

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as an huge star wars fan (to the point of being part of a charity star wars costuming group) i liked the final trilogy. the prequels on teh other hand the less said the better.

no matter what JJ did some people were going to be upset. plus you have a certin section of fandom who are just toxic people…

TROS wasnt the best star wars film ever but id give it 3.5 stars

The prequels were the result of giving Lucas complete control and feeding his ego to levels he did not deserve.

I don’t blame the actors at all for those three nonsense movies. It was all Lucas’s fault.

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A New Hope was a fun unique, cute film. Empire Strikes Back was easily the best Star Wars. Return of the Jedi was anti-climatic. from there the went downhill. The prequels were terrible. The sequels were worse. The use of all digital cameras, not film, make them unwatchable for me. Eye Torture.