February 12, 2021, 2:52am
Scientists in Israel claim to have created the first 3d-printed steak, using a technique called “bioprinting”, where they incubate cells from cow tissue, and then stitch the cells together under a microscope to form a supposedly tasty steak.
Soon we’ll have replicators?
February 12, 2021, 3:03am
I’d definitely take a replicated steak over a plate of algae.
February 12, 2021, 1:11pm
I would try bio printed earl gray.
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wonder what kind of spatial resolution they can get in their matter energy conversion matrix.
Scientists in Israel claim to have created the first 3d-printed steak, using a technique called “bioprinting”, where they incubate cells from cow tissue, and then stitch the cells together under a microscope to form a supposedly tasty steak.
First 3D Bio-Printed Steak Created in Israel, Looks Tasty-ish?
Soon we’ll have replicators?
“stitch” the cells together?
that’s not a hair in your steak
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No thanks.
Every notable character I’ve ever seen on Star Trek says that the replicated stuff is nowhere near as good as the real thing.
They even have planets full of colonists that shun the future tech and it’s fruits.