Stabby Islam strikes again

There is no mention of this crime being Islamic. But it’s Britain. Where their love for Islam is unshakable. So it’s basically illegal to even mention it. Do it and you might find yourself in cuffs. Their government still believes that Islam is their friend. But it’s a pattern that cannot be ignored. 7th century Islam is hell on Earth. What to do? Import more!


:joy::joy::joy:. Honesty is the bestest of policies.


Man sees on article online - “Thanks Muslims”


That’s my point! We agree! Wouldn’t it be great if Britain were honest about Isalmic crime instead of covering it up? A quick question. Why are folks like you so in love with authoritarian, women abusing, gay oppressing, hyper violent Islam? What’s the attraction?


Time to fire up the herpaderp machine with a pick of the Smethwick MP

Country imports tens of thousands of enemy combatants - “Thanks Muslims.”

Are you sure it’s a cover up and it’s not your assumption

I am not sure. I don’t know any folks like that.

I do know some idiots who only view the world through conquered and conquerors prism. Those idiots do exist. Can’t help that. They are in college now yelling

But anyway Are You sure?

Muslims aren’t the enemy. England has been importing Muslims for 500 years.

But that’s irrelevant to this story. As of now.

I’m not sure but I’m pretty sure that is a Sikh headdress. Not Islamic.


Details, details. This thread is about feelings, not facts.

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Well mainly because not all Muslims are like that by any means. Most of them are decent contributing members of society.

Why is Breitbart reporting on stabbings in the UK?

Nope. Not sure. But I can’t remember the last time something like this wasn’t Islamic. Just don’t mention this in Britain unless you want a visit from the po-leece. If they were honest and reported all the facts. people would not need to assume.

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Knife crime has been rising for decades now.

Educate yourself on knife crime in the UK and you will see it has nothing to do with immigration.

Heck when i was at school back in the 80s knife crime was happening and we had bans and checks for knives.

This stabbing happened earlier this month. @altair1013 , Should we blame Islam?

A man accused of stabbing an 11-year-old girl in London’s bustling theater district was charged Tuesday with attempted murder.

Ioan Pintaru put the girl in a headlock and stabbed her eight times, seriously wounding her, prosecutors said.

Great question. Because they do world news. And to remind us that third world Islam is dangerous, and we need to be careful before importing mass numbers.
Good answer. Right?

Sure. But the more third world Muslims you have, the lower your quality of life.
Why are folks like you so in love with authoritarian, women abusing, gay oppressing, hyper violent Islam? What’s the attraction?

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The article in your OP doesn’t mention Islam.

after all , the brits do love their stabbing tools…

here is one of an attempted stabbing by one of their elderly.

3 guess as to why the carpet is red…


Tell us how you really feel.