Spying on Citizens-Your Gubermint At Work

What @vaard said…

And it was just a matter of time before someone posted “TRUMP!”

In this instance, it was in the third response in the thread. That may be a new record. :smile:

:parrot: :parrot: :parrot: :parrot:

Ha I remember being quoted that very line by our conservative friends on this very forum when I objected to the Patriot Act.

Sure you do. :smirk:

Always the first lib post in the thread - bUt tRuMp aNd tEh MAGAs!

It’s like they take turns wearing that pointy hat. :rofl:

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You’d think they would learn that the answer to every stupid thing libs do is not “Trump.”

But nooooo … :wink:




and, if course, none if them will ever admit it…

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Pepperidge Farms remembers…

“they are free to listen in. they will just get bored with how mundane my life is”

“the constitution is not a suicide pact”

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If I remember correctly, weren’t those against the Patriot Act seen as unpatriotic?

Are you supporting bureaucratic surveillance of citizens’ banking transactions now?

You @Whocares ?

What changed?

No I’m not…I just think its funny how some are singing a different tune now.

Your tune sure seems different.

Perhaps you have won over some converts and should be satisfied?

They’re only converts because they’re side was the one being targeted.

Indeed I do. Why it sticks out in my mind is that a well known poster who is no longer here threatened to report to me to the FBI when I made an obviously tongue in cheek comment.

Are you saying the prevailing conservative right wing view in the esrpy noughties was not gung ho for the wars in the ME and the Patriot Act? If so they you are deluding yourself.

Regardless of motive, we agree they are converts. Will you join them and denounce this latest iteration of government intrusion and violation of rights?

I already said I don’t like it a couple posts back.

I will freely admit I was on board at the Patriot Act time due to the nature of the threat.

I was duly chastized by @conan and saw the light.

I was a war mongering murderous thug who wanted, nay needed, revenge for what had been done to my country.

I am now a liberal, a philospher, sage and wizard, and I see my error. I see the consequences of surrendering to the greater threat of the bureaucrats in the very government that is supposed to protect my rights and willfully refuses to do so.


We’re going to need some more denouncement flair. An appropriate level of outrage.

We are seeing commitment issues on your part.