Spider-Man: Far From Home

I saw the latest Marvel movie Spider-Man: Far From Home today and enjoyed it.

It was fun, entertaining, and amusing. I also enjoyed the performances and action. I really enjoyed Jake Gyllenhaal as Mystero.

I’m looking forward to the next adventure.

Recommend everyone to see this film.

I give it a grade of an A-.


I’d have to disagree. I dont want to give away spoilers but a person could skip over this whole movie and not miss anything.

I enjoyed it.

I understand that it is made for an age group that is younger than me and that is fine. I literally do not have to have every piece of nerd entertainment catered to me.

I like that they made Mysterio not stupid… because in the comics Mysterio is a really lame character.

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Logan would disagree with you.

I feel the movie was a lot of fun. Great way to cap off phase 3.

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Wasn’t bad.

Mysterio is a great Ditko villain,[quote=“Jezcoe, post:3, topic:200467, full:true”]
I enjoyed it.

I understand that it is made for an age group that is younger than me and that is fine. I literally do not have to have every piece of nerd entertainment catered to me.

I like that they made Mysterio not stupid… because in the comics Mysterio is a really lame character.

How dare you sir! As a young comic reader in the 70’s only the Green Goblin bettered him,in my eyes.The early Steve Ditko Mysterio was great and very original.

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Everything needs to be catered to me…

And the movie was great because it was catered to me.

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