Speaking of BLM

Whose bright idea was it to let this dirtbag who kneeled at the flag carry that same flag in the Olympics?

This whining crybaby who never served anything but himself.

I’d rather Brandon carried it.

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who is this leftist racist?

Flagbearers are chosen by their colleagues and fellow athletes before being selected. This comes from a nomination process that allows Team USA athletes to submit video nominations for a teammate or fellow athlete, outlining their reasons why they believe their nominee should be selected.

These videos are then used and put to a vote among athletes before they travel to Paris. The decision is then ratified by the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee, with the final confirmation coming from CEO Sarah Hirshland. Typically, Hirshland will then allow the honor of informing their teammate of the news to the athlete who nominated the chosen flagbearer.

The decision lies entirely with the athletes from Team USA, who are choosing the two representatives who best reflect their values and ambitions for the games. It is a method that has been used for decades and was part of the decision to make the first female selection with fencer Janice Lee Romary in 1968.

Yeah they probably should have picked someone else to be the flag bearer.

It’s one thing to criticize your country, lord knows this country has earned it. But he went beyond that. He used lies. And that’s just ■■■■■

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They should have picked someone else.

A weird dichotomy of a man. He’s one of the best basketball players who has ever lived; his career numbers are up there with guys like Jordan or Chamberlain. When he retires he will be one of the best athletes this country ever produced.

But he also dove head first in the shallow end of what I call the great BLM lie about race and policing. He was a kneeler. He is not representative of black patriotism. Someone else should have been picked.

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Perfectly represents the discourse around this topic.

DEI flag carriers only need to apply.

Maybe this is why Caitlin Clark wasnt selected to be on the team so to not question why shes not the standard bearer.

none of this matters to me one bit

just another ■■■■■■■ leftist narcissist celebrity.

Well…that changes everything.

Truth is there probably isn’t anybody on that team who didn’t kneel.

You need professional help.


Oh and on a related kneel, I heard Griner talking a couple days ago. That’s a dude.

Damn, I forgot to turn that sock account off on my way out. :rofl:


I just read an article about a man who served in the USMC for 45 years.

Lebron james is human garbage.