South carolina bill demands the pro life forces put their money where their mouths are

The current laws give the mother life or death authority over the child until the day it is born even when she is married to the father. Once the child is born the father can prevent adoption and claim visitation rights even when the father raped the mother.

Personally I think that unmarried women should be free to put a baby up for adoption without the consent of the father soon after birth.

So you disagree with the bill?

You think there are no gradations? No exceptions?

A woman who is raped and impregnated - you want her to carry that baby to term and then raise it as her own?

Rapists should not have any parental rights at all ever. Zero. None.

If the sex was consensual then the father should have rights.

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No. She should be able to kill it, throw it away and do over. I already said that.

More hyperbole please


Let’s take alobar holoprosencephaly.

Which is compassionate?

  1. Defect is detected early in pregnancy. Elective abortion is performed.

  2. Defect is detected early in pregnancy. Mother is required by law to carry to term. Infant is born premature. Infant spends the next month having repeated seizures until eventually dying from aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition, or other defect.

The only slippery slope is allowing someone other than a mother and physician to decide what pregnancies are or are not “perfect.” I don’t like abortion. I like the idea that a pregnant woman is simply an incubator without control or choice even less.

I think that if it’s possible for the women who want abortions for health reasons and are denied to get their compensation, while women who don’t want abortions for health reasons (and therefore are not denied) do NOT get compensated, then I’m for the bill.

The problem is there’s no way in hell that a pack of lawyers won’t descend on the bill and say all women should be compensated by the state for any injuries caused by carrying a baby to term, whether they were forced to or not.

So mercy killing is ok?

So you disagree with the bill?

Mercy killing? I call it compassionate death. Happens all the time with adults. Why would we force an infant to suffer through something an adult wouldn’t? Should we stop the practice of opting for DNR or advanced directives? Treat by all means in all situations is the way to go? Futility and patient comfort be damned?

Did you know these types of cases account for less than a few percentage points of all abortions?

I’m fine with debating the merits of allowing abortions in the cases where there is severe disability or defects, or the life of the mother…

The problem arises when supporters try to use this small portion of justifiable abortions as a support for the 90something percent that are just a matter of convenience.

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What’s the difference in the two?

I didn’t say that, I’m just asking what the rules are.

I agree, we have a right to commit suicide.

Excellent point.

No difference as long as we’re referring to the same thing. Mercy killing often has a military connotation.

I don’t have a specific set of rules. There are legal criteria which vary. I’d say any terminal condition without hope for meaningful recovery, typically with a significant decrease in quality of life, would cover most situations. There are some situations in which a condition is not terminal but leads to severe intractable quality of life issues which I think could also apply.

There is no quick and easy rubric for decisions in many of these cases. There will always be some subjectivity.

Does it? Strange. Not while I was there and I am a medic.

Who decides?



People get to decide that for themselves.

Patient and physician. Answer for all but first question. (EDIT: family, next of kin, healthcare POA when patient is unable to make decisions.)

Military mercy killing.

Do they? How about in a single payer system?

Did you read that article?