South Carolina Aiken county GOP censures Graham

It’s not illegal. But don’t claim “his constituents has spoken”.

What they’re doing is illegal?

I made corrections on my reply.

They aren’t his constituents?

Using your logic, Liz Cheney is trump constituents.

She voted to impeach trump.

So therefore, I can say that trump constituents have voted to impeached him.

Moving goalposts huh. The Republican Party of Aiken county can do anything they want.

They don’t represent the entire state.

That was done in November when graham was re-elected.

I rather go with elected officials over a party.


Those in Wyoming have the right to censure her, just like those in SC have the right to censure Graham. I don’t know how you’re applying your logic but…it isn’t logical? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Am I? Are they his constituents or not? Maybe things are different in NJ? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Yes it’s legal and they can do that.

So can Liz to vote to impeach as trump constituents.

The question is which constituents is right?

They are. But they also have an agenda.

How bout the elected official who loves the idea.

That person is also a constituent.


:sunglasses:^^^^^^^^^ your logic ^^^^^^^^^^ :tumbler_glass:

And yet, she is still a republican and can run as one if she chooses.

In the primary, I guess. Are you really still a Republican if the party officially shuns you and Republicans won’t vote for you? Sounds like the ultimate RINO to me.

Aiken county must have gotten shorted on their share of “infrastructure” funds allocated in the bill?

Sure. Just don’t pretend a county GOP group is representative of the entire constituency.


I never said it was. That’s another one of your inaccurate interpretations.

It will be interesting to see if any other counties follow suit.

Agreed and I’d wager, there will be?