Sorry Obama, But It's Trump's Economic Boom, Not Yours

I’m not. That debt isn’t mine.

It’s all of ours, and you will pay for it one way or another. Unless you’re not American. Then you are correct.

Nope. It’s fiction. We are a managed debt-based economy. Debt is good.

Free crap isn’t free? Free college! Green new deal!

I guess we can pay for it all with debt now that debt is good!

Absolutely. Who owns the debt? Who has the marker?

So we can pay it with the money we save by having free government healthcare for all.

It’s in my best interests to not leave my progeny a country ■■■■■■ by GOP policy.

It is in your own best interest to keep and manage as much of your own money you earned as possible.

Is it in the interest of your progeny to pay 70% of the fruits of their labor for taxes you voted for?

What good is your money if the country you leave them is completely ■■■■■■ by bad management?

Better than not having money in a country completely screwed by bad management.

It had better be in gold then. That paper money is only good in well managed countries.

I didn’t.

That’s your fault. /s

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Not at the expense of stronger social policies and solid foreign policy positions.

If my progeny are paying 70% of their income, they are incredibly well off and they’ll be ok. They’ll know to be thankful for the shoulders of giants they stand on.

Yes you did. Everybody did.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: “more dependence on central government”

Foreign policy has nothing to do with your progeny.


My federal tax cut was consumed by increased taxes to the state.

(Not due to the property taxes but because my state has a law that you have to file state taxes under the same condition as federal. So we couldn’t file short form federal and long form state. As homeowner, not being able to file long form with the state increased state taxes massively.)

So no I didn’t see a real tax cut. Just a tax transference.

Still have not answered my question.

Can you point to any part of the piece in question that is obviously false?

No doubt Krugman attaches an opinion to the end of it, but he still cites facts in the piece.

Point to where those facts are incorrect.

I rest my case.